Sick (Wukong x Sick Reader)

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As you and Wukong lay on the couch, a few of the tan monkeys lay close by. You quietly coughed and got up, getting ready for work.

Putting on a mask you open the door quietly as possible, not wanting to wake up your partner or the monkeys. Coughing again.

But as soon as the door made even the quietest noise, Wukong woke up.

"Aannddd where do you think you're going?" Wukong asked, getting up, walking over to you, crossing his arms.

With a small cough, you give your answer, "I'm going  to work, my laptop isn't working properly so I also need to get it fixed.

"Uh, no way! You're obviously sick, you should stay home," Wukong shot back quickly, "I'm calling you in sick," Wukong continued, pulling out a bit of his hair, blowing on it to create a few clones.

"Wukong, I have no time for this, now I'm going to work!" You said, running off, coughing, about to hop up on a cloud of your own.

Suddenly the clones pinned you to the ground.

"You're not going anywhere, Y/N, it's so obvious that you're sick, you're burning up and you have a bad cough," Wukong said, feeling your forehead.

"I do not need to stay home today!" You said with a raspy cough.

Wukong quietly grumbled as the clones picked you up and carried you to the couch.

"Wukong, c'mon! I need to go to work and get my computer fixed!" You yelled. But Wukong just pat you on the head, ordering two bowls of Pigsy's Noodles over your phone.

"Well you certainly can't go to work if you're sick!" Wukong exclaimed, "C'mon, look on the bright side, with work out of the way, we can spend time together!" Wukong continued, smiling.

"Fine, I'll stay home, now can you PLEASE get these dumb clones offa' me?!" You exclaimed as one of the clones messed with your hair.

"Lighten up, Y/N! This'll be fun, I promise!" The clone said cooly, continuing to play with your hair. Soon you gathered the strength to punch the clone, causing it to disappear.

Slowly you began to fight off the clones one by one.

"Let's turn this into a game, shall we?" You offered, Wukong grinned.

"How about hide and seek tag??" Wukong smiled as he spoke. You knew how competitive he can get about games, so you nodded.

"I'll give you a five minute head start, good luck!~" He said cheekily, walking out of the house and jumping into a nearby tree.

You immediately ran in the opposite direction, quietly coughing,

You sat comfortably in a tree, then Wukong called out.

"Ready or not, here I come, Y/N!" He exclaimed.

You peered around through the leaves of the tree. Only to see a few clones in trees around you, you knew you had to leave, and now was the time to do it.

You immediately jumped out of the tree, making a run for it as more clones jumped from nearby trees behind you, chasing you.

As you sprinted through the forest, a few more clones jumped up infront of you, you quickly skidded to a halt, jumping upwards.

A few clones then jumped up with you, getting you right where they wanted you.

Shit! This was Wukong's plan all along!

You tried to escape but they just grabbed your arms, pinning you to the ground, giving you affection and flirting.

"Damn you Wukong!" You yelled as he jumped down from the tree infront of you.

"What? Can't handle a measly little game?" He teased, chuckling.

"I hate you.." You muttered.

"Awee, I love you too!" Wukong responded.

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