Back Up (Red Son x Medic Reader again lololol)

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This is kinda an add on to the first Red Son x Medic Reader because I really like writing them and you guys really like reading them lmao, also if Red Son is acting out of character in this let me know ig

When you finally realized just how good you were at your job as the team's medic, you were proud of how useful you were to the group, but there was a little voice in the back of your mind that said that since you're the one helping to keep the other's alive, you should be able to keep yourself alive without getting help from anyone else. You were the one the team looked to when they were injured, so don't you dare for a second think they can return the favor, you can heal yourself just fine.

The group was at Pigsy's, eating noodles and just hanging out, not fighting or on a mission, just honest fun, you sat with Red Son and Tang on the bar stools.

Everyone else except for Red Son and yourself were cracking jokes and such, but since this is one of the first times they've hung out in awhile whilst NOT on a mission or anything, your brain thought it was just the perfect time to process what you've seen the last time you hung out with the whole group.

The battles you had to fight in and witness were horrifying, there were so many occasions where you almost lost your friends, you always got them back to normal, but what if you hadn't? Your mind began to race and your heart rate went up, your expression suddenly looked stressed.

You just so happened to notice that all of the overlapping talking along with the clanking of the bowls and the slurping of the food were starting to become a little too much.

Red Son looked at you, reading your expression and realizing what was going on.

shit, now everyone's gonna say something... you panicked.

You looked at Red Son, shaking your head as he nodded, then stood up, grabbing your hand.

You began as you stood up, fighting the overlapping sounds as you tried to speak, but couldn't.

"Y/N and I just remembered we have important business to attend to, we will see all of you later." He explained, then lifted his free hand, and fire surrounded the both of you as the rest of the group waved goodbye, looking confused.

Then you were teleported to your apartment, it was quiet.

"Alright, what's going on? We're worried about you." He asked, looking concerned, you've seen almost every side of Red Son, but not this one just yet.

Unfortunately you couldn't speak just yet, you tried to make eye contact but just looked at the floor, tears formed in your eyes.

"Hey, it's going to be okay." He reassured you, holding out his arms, you stepped into the hug and wrapped your arms around him and he did the same, the two of you stood there for a moment.

He eventually led you to your bedroom, laying down with you resting on top of him and trying to calm you down. He didn't find out what was wrong just yet, but you'd tell him as soon as you felt okay with speaking again.

When you woke up, Red Son hadn't moved an inch, or slept, for that matter, dark circles under his eyes.

"Ah, you're awake, do you want to talk about that thing that happened the other day?" He asked, still holding onto you.

"It's nothing, really, I can handle it myself." You lied with a forced smile.

"Don't lie to me, Y/N, I know when something's wrong, you'll feel better once you open up." He explained, his tone was stern, but he wasn't angry.

And then, you just, snapped, all of the bottled up problems finally escaped.

"Remember all the times you guys have almost died? Why don't we talk about that at all?! It was terrifying looking at every major injury, there have been so many times I was terrified because I thought I was gonna lose you guys!" You sounded very worried as you spoke, your voice breaking a bit as you began to cry.

Red Son looked at you, horrified. Tears welling up in his eyes, too.

"I know, right?! We've been sweeping it under the rug every single time, it's been driving me insane, too!" He admitted, his voice also starting to crack, the two of you pulled closer and you buried your head into his neck, he did the same to you.

"I'll schedule another hangout with the team soon, and we can stop avoiding this issue." Red Son finally said, sniffling a bit.

"That sounds good, but you're gonna have to do something for me first." You smiled, he smiled back.

"What is it?" He asked, looking at you.

"Remember when you held me until I fell asleep?" You asked cheerfully, Red Son's eyes widened a little.

"Wait-" Red Son paused, you hugged him tighter and held him there.

"Payback time!" You exclaimed, the both of you giggled as he quickly fell asleep. The both of you spent the day napping, preparing for the healing that would start tomorrow.

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