Pranks (Yin x Reader)

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This fic was requested by @jinandyin , enjoy !! 🫶
(You met Yin & Jin after the whole Calabash episode, and bandaged their wounds, the three of you shared similar personalities and alignments, so you befriended them, joining them when they pranked random civilians sometimes, etc.)

You woke up to your alarm and the sunny weather of Megapolis, aaannddd several text notifications from your clingy friend, Yin. You would've done the same had you woken up earlier, so you weren't mad. You enjoyed being near both Yin and Jin, although the silver demon spent more time with you and was much more clingy, you didn't mind, you thought it was really cute, actually. Charming, for a demon.

You looked at the texts Yin had sent you, he said he wanted to hang out, and you replied and got ready for the day, since you didn't have work, you set off for the brothers' little hideout.

You entered their abandoned movie theatre, sitting on the desaturated-purple couch as Yin ran over and pounced on you once he found out you had arrived, hugging you. Lately, you've noticed he's been more physically affectionate, you did the same, returning the energy with the same amount of touching and hugging.

"Hello to you too, Yin." You laughed, hugging him back as you heard footsteps from across the room.

Jin, the orange demon, made fake vomiting noises.

"Gross! Get that lovey-dovey stuff outta' here!" He teased, sticking his tongue out as Yin turned to him, glaring as your cheeks went a little pink, but you didn't notice.

"Not sure what you're talkin' about, Jin!" Yin denied it, Jin put a hand on his hip, pointing to you.

"Oh, yeah? Then why's your little boyfriend/girlfriend over there blushin' so hard?" Jin laughed, Yin looked at you, noticing the blush as his cheeks went a darker blue.

"You won't be laughin' in a second!" Yin said, running and jumping onto the ping-pong table that had separated the brothers, jumping onto Jin as they began to play fight, acting all cutthroat, they did this a lot, so you just sat on the ping-pong table and watched, trying not to laugh.

Despite the silver demon being smarter than his brother, Jin was stronger, sometimes Yin outsmarted him, and other times Jin overpowered him.

This time, Yin had won, keeping Jin on the ground.

"Five, four, three, two, one!" You exclaimed, smacking the beaten-up wooden floors like some wrestling announcer.

"Your turn!" Yin and Jin said, your eyes widened.

"Nooo!! It was a trap!" You joked. You laughed as you ran from the demons, jumping over the old couch, and dodging as they tried to grab you, similar to how the brothers had their strengths, you had yours, you were swifter than the two.

Then Yin jumped in front of you, pinning you to the ground.

"Gotcha!" Yin cheered, fist-bumping Jin before he started to tickle you. This behavior was quite normal, just the way you guys played.

"You planned this whole thing, didn't you?!" You exclaimed through laughter.

"Welp, you caught us!" Yin said, successfully pranking you, the three of you chuckled as Yin helped you up.

"Okay, you got me!" You said, then your little group started to plan your next attack on the Monkie Kid, you never really knew him, but your need to cause chaos outweighed your care of pranking a random hero.

When the planning was done, it wasn't the best, but the twins were desperate, so none of you cared about the tinier details.

It was getting a bit late, the sun would set soon.

"Alright, I'm off to sleep, seeya tomorrow." Jin yawned, walking off to his room before saying something.

"Have fun, lovebirds!" Then shut the door behind him, chuckling.

"That's weird, he usually goes to sleep later than this." The blue demon pointed out his brother's suspicious exit.

"Hey, wanna go sit on the roof? The sun is about to set." You asked.

"Sounds good!" Yin nodded, grabbing your hand as the two of you got onto the roof, walked across it, and sat down on the edge Yin looked out to the horizon, the sunset looked perfect.

"Lovebirds, huh?" You began, remembering what Jin had called the two of you.

"Yeah, he's a moron." He chuckled, joking about his brother.

"Do we act like lovebirds?-" He asked, kind of confused. Neither of you has ever really done anything romantically, so you knew nothing about it.

"Dunno. But best friends can hug and stuff, right? Even if it happens a lot?" You pondered your sentence for a moment, then continued.

"We could kiss and still be best friends!" You claimed, nodding.

"I wouldn't skip a beat if we kissed." You continued, not even realizing how in denial you sounded.

"Wait, would we?-" He wondered, you tilted your head.

"Should we find out?" You challenged, Yin nodded.

"Eh, wouldn't hurt, right?" He shrugged, grinning.

The two of you leaned closer.

Couldn't hurt, right?

Leaning in closer, just about to kiss, you saw a bright flash of light followed by a clicking noise.

The two of you quickly turned to see Jin, capturing the whole thing with a camera, the photo printed, he ripped it out when it was finished, aggressively shaking it as you realized what he just did.

"HAH! I GOT IT!" He exclaimed with triumph, lifting the photo evidence of you and Yin just about to kiss.

You and Yin quickly got up, running towards Jin as he climbed down the stairs, cackling.

You might've been a bit quicker than the two, like how Yin was more intelligent and Jin was mightier, with all of these facts taken into consideration, you'd think the two of you could've caught him, right? Wrong. He got away and hid the photo somewhere in his room, locking the door. He did drop the camera, though.

The two of you plopped onto the couch, out of breath from the running.

"Well, what now?" You spoke, panting through your words. Yin looked flustered.

"Well, Jin dropped his camera, so we could try again..?" He awkwardly grunted, it's obvious he just wanted to actually kiss you without interruption this time. He sat up, facing you.

"Agreed." You smiled, sitting up as he did, holding hands as you leaned in, actually kissing him this time, as the two of you kissed, your heard did skip a beat.

Huh, guess we are 'lovebirds' after all.

(If you guys want a part two to this or any of my other oneshots, just ask and I'll see what I can do! Don't forget to like and comment)

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