Caught (Huntsman x Reader) pt. 1

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You awoke hanging upside down in a cave, dangling in the air you looked at your feet, tied by a white rope, resembling a spider web. The rest of your body was also wrapped in this webbing.

"Look who's finally awake.." A feminine voice said quietly.

"Huntsman, we don't need this little eavesdropper, so you may dispose of them however you'd like," She continued as a purple spider-like beast pounced on you.

You quietly yelped, your eyes widening.

"Hm, I'll have to find out what to do with you now don't I?" He teased, grinning evilly. Then crawling away, out of your view.

Suddenly the webbing snapped and your body hurled towards the ground as you screamed, then everything went black.

You awoke as you were plopped onto the cold cave floor, still tied up.

You coughed as a few bits of debris flew upwards in a cloud of dark smoke.

"Let me go! What are you even planning to do with me?!" You exclaimed, trying to break free from the rope.

"My queen said I could dispose of you however I pleased, incase you don't get it just yet, that means she wanted me to kill you! Just be grateful your heart is still beating, human." Huntsman spat back.

"You can try to kill me if you want, but don't expect me to go down without putting up a fight first!" You exclaim, pulling a knife out of your back pocket, cutting yourself free as you stood up.

Huntsman huffed, then walked towards your cell, opening it. You staggered back, but tried to keep your fighting stance.

He suddenly ran towards you, pinning your wrists to the cave wall behind you above your head, his face close to yours caused both of you to blush a bit before he took the knife, walking out of the cell, locking it again.

"My patience is running thin with you, now you either stay quiet or I'll silence you myself." He threatened, after you finally kept quiet, he smiled, a satisfied look on his face as he gazed at you.

"That's what I thought!" He said in a sly tone.

The female voice from before was now calling for Huntsman.

"See you around, dork." Huntsman grinned evilly before walking out of his room.

You eventually lay down on the cold earth, trying to think of a way to escape.

A few hours passed, and now it was late at night and the Spider Queen dismissed Huntsman, allowing him to have his free time.

When Huntsman walked in, you were trying to reach for the blade that Huntsman had taken from you.

Huntsman walked over and bent down, grabbing hold of the knife.

"Looking for this?" Huntsman teased, chuckling.

Overtime, you and Huntsman started to grow tolerant of eachother, enjoying eachother's company, though neither of you admitted it.

One night, Huntsman opened the cage, holding his hand out.

"Get up, you're getting out of here." He said, you grabbed his hand as he pulled you up, still holding your hand.

"Just stay quiet and do as I say," He continued, picking you up and carrying you out of his room. Sneaking around to the exit.

He set you on your feet, urging you to leave.

"Come with me!" You whispered, but as you begged him to come home with you, you heard the Spider Queen's voice.

"Huntsman! Syntax! Get in here!" She called, as she spoke, you and Huntsman parted ways.

About a month later, you got a knock at your door, you opened it to find a beaten up looking Huntsman.

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