The Eternal Slumber [Mayor x Platinum Demon Reader]

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In this fic Yin & Jin are a bit younger and less mature than in canon, I think it'll add to the "older sibling taking care of their crackhead little brothers" energy so yeah lmao)

Yin and Jin weren't always just a duo, once they had another sibling, before they went into a slumber that seemed like it had lasted an eternity. There was once a third sibling, the eldest; the Platinum demon. They have grey skin and horns (like their little brothers) with white hair.( just picture your hair but white lmfao)

You and your brothers, Yin & Jin we're taking a walk through a mountain late at night to see if you could stir up any trouble, but when you only found a beaten up looking citizen you decided to take him in, who knows, it might be fun.

You carried the man inside, laying him down on the couch nearby the ping-pong table, laying a pillow comfortably under his head. Yin & Jin refused to touch him so you had to do all the carrying. (This is a very important detail for later btw)

"Let's play a game! I'm bored." Yin said, Jin nodded.

Yin & Jin played ping-pong as you watched, happy to be back with your little brothers.

You sat on the arm of the couch, looking away from the citizen, his body not in your line of view.

"Oh my.. and who may you be?"  The citizen said, turning your head over to his with his thumb, Yin & Jin tensed up, looking angry.

Your face turned a bit pink as you jolted back.

"The Platinum Demon, Y/N, and who are you?!" You exclaimed, grabbing his wrist as he let go.

"I am the Mayor, I forget my real name, heh.." He muttered, a twisted smile on his face, looking unhinged.

"OI, BOZO! WHO ARE YOU TO BE GRABBIN' OUR SISTER/BROTHER LIKE THAT?!" Jin yelled, grabbing the Mayor's collar as Yin cracked his knuckles.

"Y/N, SAY SOMETHIN'!" Yin said, grabbing your collar and shaking you up a bit.

You calmed yourself and your brothers down and you all sat on the couch, Yin & Jin on one side and you and the Mayor on the other.

"Since you're the one who saved me I serve you now, so you're stuck with me!" He said, his voice slightly cracking a bit.

"What?!" Jin exclaimed with wide eyes.

"My loyalty lies in your hands, and I'd gladly live and die for you now!" He said, followed by a crazy little giggle as he leaned towards you a bit. A massive grin on his face.

"Wow.. that's a lot to take in.." You mumble, Yin & Jin internally screaming in the background.

"I'm gonna go to sleep now," You say, you stand up as the Mayor follows you.

"You're gonna wait out here, yeah?" You order, closing the door as you fall asleep in your comfy bed.

You and your brothers decided to stay in and sleep that day, ever since you woke up from your sleep that had lasted who knows how long, you can't help but love to sleep and nap.

After the nap you woke up to the sound of punches landing, you lazily got up, walking out of your room as you rubbed your eyes.

Yin had a firm grip on Jin's clothing (???), yelling about who would beat the Mayor to a pulp first.

"I had the idea first!" Jin said, Yin dramatically gasping.

"You and I both know tha's a lie!" He said angrily, the two weren't really that mad, but they sure as hell were dramatic.

"Wha's goin' on..?" You muttered, rubbing one of your eyes a bit with weak knees.

"They're arguing over who gets to beat me up first, my lady/lord." Mayor explained, sitting in the middle of the couch with his legs crossed in a "ladylike" manner as he grinned.

"Woah, hold on now," You mumbled lazily, walking over to the two of them, picking your little brothers up.

"Let's save our energy for our actual enemies, or just beat eachother up, just don't touch the Mayor, yeah'?" You explained, holding them by the scruffs of their clothing as they shrugged.


"Sounds good."

They both agreed and just started fighting as you put them down on their butts, sitting next to the Mayor as the two of you watched their little battle as if they were tiny dogs having a tussle.

"So, do they battle like this often?" Mayor asked, a lazy smile on his face as he watched the two brothers throw punches and kick.

"Yeah, it's like it's always been that way with them two.." You mumbled, looking at them tiredly.

The two of you then talked about Yin & Jin as you watched them dramatically battle.

A few weeks passed and you began to let the Mayor nap with you, having no actual use for him, no real tasks for him to carry out, you began to let him live with you and your brothers, simply because you grew to like his company.

You lay in bed as the Mayor cuddled up against your chest, hugging you as your face turned a bit pink, he looked up at you with his usual lazy smile, his face a tad pink as well.

"Whats the matter, my lord/lady?" He asked, grinning.

"Nothin' im tryin' to sleep here, y'know?" You said dismissively, closing your eyes as you looked away, putting a gentle hand on his head.

"Alright, my lady/lord.." He muttered, his face getting a bit closer to yours as you opened one eye, looking at him as he closed his eyes. You then closed your eyes as the two of you fell asleep together.

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