The Platinum Demon [Scorpion Queen x Platinum Demon Reader]

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(In this fic Yin & Jin are a bit younger and less mature than in canon, I think it'll add to the "older sibling taking care of their crackhead little brothers" energy so yeah lmao)

Yin and Jin weren't always just a duo, once they had another sibling, before they went into a slumber that seemed like it had lasted an eternity. There was once a third sibling, the eldest; the Platinum demon. They have grey skin and horns (like their little brothers) with white hair.( just picture your hair but white lmfao)

"Alright, you two, we're all going to a reunion party, the Monkie Kid's friend has invited everyone in town, so try not to set something ablaze while we're there," You explained to your little brothers in the kitchen, your Australian accent similar to Yin & Jin's.

(After the s3 finale, the Scorpion Queen moved in with the three of you, so I'm using that to our advantage here >:))

The Scorpion Queen walked into the room, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"Awee, do we hafta' go?" The demon brothers whined dramatically.

"Yeah, it's your chance to redeem yourselves, you little shits.." You replied, not noticing the Scorpion Queen standing across from the three of you.

"We can't walk around worryin' about the Monkie Kid or one of his little buddies spotting us and attacking us anymore! It's not safe for the two of you." You scolded the demon twins, a bit of worry in your eyes.

"Alright, we'll go." Jin muttered, crossing his arms.

"Good, now go put on something nice," You ended the conversation, shooing them away as you noticed the Scorpion Queen.

"Ah! Ello', my Queen." You greeted SQ, kissing her hand as you grinned.

The demon blushed a bit before she spoke, giggling as she did.

"Hello, Y/N." She muttered, smiling.

"I need to go get ready for the party now, so I'll be seeing you around." You said, waving her goodbye as you walked away, grinning as your cheeks turned a bit pink.

As you turned to the corner of the hallway, the Scorpion Queen walking the other direction, Yin & Jin stopped you.

"What the hell' was that?!" Yin demanded, the two of them had a shocked look on their faces, their eyes wide.

"Yeah, what's' goin' on?!" Jin questioned, the orange demon raising his arms.

Ever since your parents had abandoned the three of you, you've acted as your little brother's older sibling, their parent, and their boss, so them seeing you like this was very new to your younger brothers.

"Oi! Why were you two spyin' on me anyways?!" You shot back, looking furious.

"And why were you kissin' SQ's hand all lovey-dovey?!" Yin demanded, crossing his arms as you fell silent with a small sigh, after a few seconds you spoke.

"Listen, what me and Scorpion Queen do when you're not looking has' nothin' to do with you two, alright?" You spat, pushing past the two of them, despite easily being able to open one of your portals to get to your room.

You opened your closet, getting ready for the party, it wasn't anything too formal so you just wore your go-to outfit for special occasions like these.

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