Introductions [Mr Mayor x Reader](s3 spoilers??) pt 3

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(This is in the same world as the other mayor x readers lol)

Mk and the gang hang out at Pigsy's Noodles, Tang sat in his usual spot slurping on noodles as the others sit in their usual spots, Pigsy prepared more noodles.

"Guys.. do you remember when the guy who we thought was the Mayor gave Mk that key?" Tang asked, finishing the portion of noodles he was eating.

"Yeah, we never did find out what happened to him, did we?" Mei responded as she scrolled on her phone.

"Is there any way we can track him down..?" Mk asked, concerned. Even though Mr Mayor fought against the good guys, he was still worried since he could've been possessed or manipulated into helping the Lady Bone Demon.

"Why would we wanna do that? Wasn't he like.. a bad guy?" Mei asked, looking up from her phone.

"Well.. yeah, but he might've been possessed by LBD! What if he's hurt? He could've been an innocent citizen, he could be dead!" Mk realized, standing up.

Meanwhile you and Mr Mayor were walking down the street together, holding hands.

It had been about two months since LBD was defeated by the Monkie Kid and his friends. You were planning on getting Mr Mayor and yourself some noodles, and introduce your partner to MK.

"Mei, we should find out what happened to the Mayor!" MK exclaimed, sounding worried.

"MK, the Mayor is fine," You said, entering Pigsy's Noodles, Mr Mayor behind you. (Nobody can see the Mayor.)

"Y/N! You know what happened to the Mayor?!" Mk asked.

"Where is he?!" He continued, anticipating your response.

"I'm right here, Monkie Kid..!" The Mayor said in his eerie tone, stepping out next to you, the man in the others' line of view.

"MR MAYOR?!" Mk exclaimed, whipping out his staff. Mei got up, wielding her sword, Pigsy took out his spoon.

"Y/N, step back! He's a bad guy!" Mk yelled, alerting the others.

"What?! How is he..?" You trailed off, grabbing Mr Mayor's hand.

"Wait.. are you and the Mayor.." Mk muttered, his eyes widening, Mei's eyes did as well.

You explained how you and the Mayor met, Mr Mayor explained how you saved his life, for he would've died if you hadn't helped him recover.

"He's not a villain, his loyalty is no longer to the Lady Bone Demon, MK." You calmly explained as you sat with Mr Mayor.

"Ohhh.." Everyone muttered in unison.

"My loyalty belongs to my lady/lord, Y/N." Mr Mayor added, holding your hand as he smiled.

"That's a relief, I thought we were gonna have to fight you, Mr Mayor!" Mk exclaimed with a sigh as the others chuckled in amusement.

*boom then it ends like that one ninjago episode*

*jazz hands*

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