Awakening [Platinum Demon Reader fluff??]

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You woke up in a comfortable bed, surrounded by puffy blankets and pillows, all of your belongings surrounded you as you sat up, looking around the room.

You got up and wobbled around a bit, your knees weak. You walked over to the full-length mirror on the door, looking at your hair, horns, and outfit.

You were in the clothes you've worn since you fell asleep, as you looked at your grey skin and white hair, your eyes widened as you broke the door open, screaming.

"YIN?! JIN?!" You called your brothers' names, running around the house as you tried to find them.

Your little brothers swung open the front door, pausing as they threw aside their groceries.

"Y/N!" They yelled in unison as the three of you ran towards eachother teary-eyed.

"What happened?! How long was' I asleep..?" You exclaimed, hugging your demon brothers tightly as you looked down at them, noticing how much the twins had grown.

"..thousands of years, actually.." Jin muttered, his voice weak.

"You two have grown so much, I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for ya'.." You apologized, disliking the sappy feelings that soaked your emotions, the three of you never acted like this to eachother before.

"We're just happy to have you back.." Yin muttered, hugging you tightly.

"It's good to be back, kid." You replied, a soft grin on your face.

"Now! How bout' a good prank to celebrate your awakening?" Yin asked, him and his twin looked up at you with a mischievous glint in their eyes as you grinned evilly.

The three of you spent the rest of the day harmlessly pranking random civilians.

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