'Medic!' (Red Son x Medic Reader)

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When Red Son first met you, it was, well, awkward.

Red Son's ship was hurling towards your team's. Everyone was freaking out, but you were inside, hearing all the commotion, you ran out to see a red figure being held by Sandy,, by the head? It looked like a head.

You stepped closer and saw that it was a person!

"Red Son?!" Mk exclaimed, confused, Sandy dropped him, Red Son held his throat, making eye contact with you for a moment, before immediately being dog-piled by your friends.

"Get off of me, filthy peasants!" He yelled from underneath the squad, Mk stepped in front of him, asking what he was even doing here.

Overtime, he grew,, fond of you??? You assumed it was the whole immortality thing, the blessing and stuff,, referenced at the intro chapter.

After the entire ordeal in the canon episodes, you still hung out with the team a lot, but mostly Red Son, you two were close.

One summer night, you ruined your sleep schedule with work and such, on your week off, you felt like you were living in a loop.

It was about 1 in the morning, you were scrolling on social media and eating some food, it was visible on your profile that you were online.

About an hour or so into this scrolling, you heard an odd rumbling in the distance, as part of Mk's little friendgroup of heroes, you ran to the rooftop, still in your pajamas, your medical supplies in a messenger bag over your shoulder.

The rumbling grew louder and louder as you realized where it was coming from.

It was Red Son, zooming over using his fire powers, but there was one problem; he had no breaks.

He yelped, the fire disappeared when he was safely above the building, but his body didn't stop with it.

Red Son's body crashed into yours, sending you both to the ground, his eyes shut as you instinctively wrapped your arms around him in an attempt to keep him safe from injury.

Your head hit the stone, but you didn't really feel much due to the adrenaline, you looked down to see Red Son, absorbing what just happened as one of his squeezed-shut eyes slowly opened, then he realized you were holding him, both his eyes were wide open.

"Y/N! I didn't think you'd be out here, are you hurt?!" He blurted, then cleared his throat, now on top of you as his cheeks grew more red than his hair.

"I'm fine, are you okay?!" Your face was also red but you pushed past that, worried about your friend more than anything else right now.

He got up, grabbing your hand and now wrapping his hands around you, now pulling you into a hug.

Then he lifted you up, it was a trap!! *vine boom*

He's been to your apartment a million times, but never like this, so you were caught very off guard, he carried you back to your part of the building, laying you over his shoulder.

He tossed your bag aside and flopped you onto the bed along with himself, hugging you now, you didn't really fight it, you trusted him and you knew he wasn't going to do anything drastic anyways.

"Im not letting go until you get some sleep." He huffed, you just smiled at him.

"Oh nooo, dont do thaaat-" You joked, giggling as he held in his laughter.

"Im serious!" He exclaimed, grinning too.

After a few minutes you hugged him back, pulling the covers over both of you as he started to yawn, then you eventually just went back to watching TV.

After a few minutes you looked back at him, then realized he fell asleep already, still holding onto you as you held back. Nobody really moved and eventually you also fell asleep.

The next morning you woke up around 9, the two of you were still latched onto eachother, except he was awake before you were, just staring in disbelief.

"Guess you kept your word, huh?" You smiled, his face was still very red, he was quiet, but softly smiled in return.

"Oh, shut up!" He shot back jokingly, and the both of you laughed.

(I might make another oneshot following up this one lmao)

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