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Alaia Skyhawk: Time for a bit of action. I hope you guys enjoy it :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 7: Protector

Snow drifted down over the village, the first fall of the season, and the laughter of excited children reached his ears as he flew down from the sky to the settlement's edge.

Jack landed in a tree, smiling widely when the children spotted him, and then he dropped to the ground so they could mob him with hugs of greeting. He then raised his head to look at the older girl walking towards the group, and his expression softened.

This was the sixth winter Emily had believed in him, and she was fourteen now. Her friends, Claire and Mary, had stopped believing in him last winter. Claire's brother, Albert, still believed, but the boy wasn't among those hugging him now. That boy stood a little awkwardly off to the side, and Jack was begining to recognise the signs. This would be the last winter that Albert believed in him. The boy was growing up, and growing out of innocent belief. The worries of the world, of making a living for himself in the future, were starting to take hold.

Emily reached her brother, and started to shoo the younger children away from him firmly. It was late in the afternoon, and the sky was starting to darken.

"Go on, go home. It's getting late. We can all play games with Jack tomorrow once we've finished our chores."


Emily raised her eyebrows at the protests, and nudged them into motion one-by-one.

"You know I'm right, and remember that Jack has just finished bringing winter to all the north. Let him have a rest before you all wear him out with play."

The youngsters walked away with a final wave to Jack, which he returned with a smile. He then walked deeper among the trees, out-of-sight of the village edge, and his sister followed him until he stopped and leaned against a trunk which began to ice over with frost the moment he touched it.

"You've grown. You must be two or three inches taller than when I last saw you. You're really starting to look like a young lady."

There was a slight edge to his voice, and a flicker of fear in his eyes. Emily saw that, and hugged him.

"Don't worry, Jack. Claire and Mary may have forgotten you, but I never will. I could never forget my brother, ever. I promise, I'll never stop believing in you, even when I'm old and grey."

Jack put his arms around her, resting his head on hers as he held her tight.


He let go, and took a deep breath as she looked up at him. She wasn't a little girl anymore, and before much longer her time for childish play would be over. The only reason he'd gotten away with playing until he was eighteen, was because she was so much younger than him and he'd ended up supervising her and the other village children while working to collect wood each day to stockpile for winter. She didn't have that, and once she reached sixteen, chances were their parents would find a husband for her.

Emily seemed to read the thoughts in his mind, and took hold of his hand.

"Don't worry about it, Jack. Just think of this way. When I marry, and have children, I'll get to teach them all about you. All about their Uncle Jack, who will come and play with them every winter." A call sounded from the village, and she turned when she realised it was their mother. "I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow, Jack."

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