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Alaia Skyhawk: Well here's a chapter I know you've all been waiting for :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 44: Blizzard

The Festival of First Snow, 1967... Jack whipped down out of the sky, the winds whistling at his passage towards his statue in Jackswood Park. It was a year like any other, with the past couple of decades being rather quiet compared to the years where the two World Wars had taken place. That much had been a relief, for all of the Immortals. That wasn't to say there'd been no wars since, because there had, but they'd been more localised affairs that only a fraction of immortals had had to deal with.

Jack hadn't been one of them, although part of him wished that he had... Because if he had, then it would have been because he was at last openly a Guardian... and not still hiding away and keeping that fact a secret.

He angled down in his final approach to the park, a smile lighting his expression at the sheer number of people gathered there and in the nearby streets, there to take part in the festival. There was even a small crowd of 'tourists', camped near his statue with cameras pointed at it. In recent years, seekers of the supernatural had begun trying to 'investigate' the 'phenomena that was the statue mysteriously icing over' during the festival every year.

Jack grinned to himself as he landed on the paving around his statue, wickedly eyeing the geeks with their cameras, before he then glanced past the queue of people leaving berry sprigs at the statue, and over at a small group of children who had spotted his arrival.

He flew over to them, conjuring a pile of snowballs, before landing on the plinth of his statue. He then smirked, and pointed at the geeks... The children needed no further prompting than that.

A hail of snowballs struck the geeks from behind, causing them to erupt into shouts of surprise and yells of protest. Meanwhile, during the distraction, Jack frosted over the plinth, and the cloak and staff of his statue. The gasps of wonder rising from the people in the queue who saw it, before several called out that Jack Frost had returned.

At Jack's signal, to go to the place in the part where he'd sit to tell stories, the children scampered away leaving the geeks to mutter to each other. And that was when they realised that they'd missed the statue icing over!

Jack flew up into the air, laughing at his victory, and set off a light shower of fine snow with the intent to make it heavier after nightfall. So that there would be an inch or two on the ground by morning. He'd gotten much better at managing snowstorms lately, with his strategy of seeding extra snowfalls here and there. Mother Nature hadn't had to request a specific blizzard from him for seven years which, considering the typical average time between weather requests for each of the Spirits of the Seasons was one-to-two years, was a very good record.

But that was something far from Jack's mind, as he landed on the recently replaced log near the middle of the park. There were already dozens of children waiting there, to hear the first story of the year, and he wasn't about to disappoint them... He'd tried to break into North's Workshop two days previous, and so had the first 'Sneak past Phil the Yeti, and get into Santa's Workshop' story of the year.

The children were smiling and giggling by the end of it, as he described being shoved into a sack and then dumped out of a window. He then told the children to go enjoy the rest of the festival, with the promise he would set the park up for a big snowball fight tomorrow. He then took to the sky again, flitting out of sight before descending again to reach his pond.

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