Festival with a Difference

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Alaia Skyhawk: Well, we're at the end of this arc for now. The New Golden Age stuff will resume after the next arc (and a time skip), because I'd be dragging things out if I did much more before "The Big Announcement". The next arc is one I've been waiting to read Book 4 of the 'Guardians of Childhood' for, to make sure I could do it with the right information behind it :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 82: Festival With a Difference

The winds swirled around him in the Hall of Mirrors, there where he sat atop the spire in the centre at the 'desk' of ice he'd now fashioned on the top of it. A tiny Etheric Turbine and electrical transformer was fused to the top of one corner of it, the disk on top of that spinning at a steady pace. Into the transformer itself was plugged the standard cable for a tablet computer, which incidentally was also plugged into the self same tablet it belonged to.

Jack's attention was focused on the screen, transferring to it the weather reports from the winds. But not as writing. No, he zoomed in and out the views of different areas of the world map, tapping his fingers on colour grids at the side of the screen before rendering sweeping lines across the map as though he were finger-painting.

The touch screen tablet was large, he'd insisted on that for the sake of ease of use. The way in which the information was being set down was crude, and the meteorologists he'd been working with were still struggling to accurately work out the translation of the measurements they were used to, and the ones that the Spirits of the Seasons used. But through studying what Jack noted down, and their own readings of what was going on, they were gradually getting there bit-by-bit.

Much as it was bit-by-bit that he finished up his 'weather report', set the mirror on his desk to a view twenty feet away from a mobile phone mast, and as soon as the tablet connected he pressed 'send'. That done, he then closed the mirror, turned the tablet off, and applied the brake on the Etheric Turbine to bring it to a halt while it wasn't needed. And then he rose up into the air above the spire, and sorted out the day's frostdust distribution.

Making the report only added a couple more minutes to his normal 'morning' routine, and he checked the world's weather patterns daily anyway. It was no skin off his nose to jot it down as he got the info from the winds, and admittedly he found it quite funny to know that by doing so and sending it off... he was rendering a whole lot of weather forecasters totally redundant. Because unlike them, he was never wrong in his forecasts.

As soon as the daily frostdust was done, Jack stepped through a mirror and directly into the Bennett House's kitchen. With most of the adults in Burgess now able to see him, in both of his guises, he had to be a lot more discrete now when going to and from the house.

Laura and Sophie were both in the kitchen when he arrived, the latter waving at him and grinning around her mouthful of syrup smothered pancakes. There were two more plates of them waiting on the table, and Jack sat himself by the one which also had a cup of chocolate milkshake next to it.

He then looked over his shoulder at Laura, who was just finishing up cooking her share of the pancakes.

"Craig already gone out?"

Laura nodded.

"He's gone to meet David at the museum. He said to ask you to stop by there, before 'arriving' at your statue. He wants to speak with you before the researchers finish setting up their cameras."

Jack sighed.

"They're not going to be anywhere in the way, are they? If they spoil the festival by tramping around the middle of it with their equipment, I will not be happy."

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