Unusual Methods

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Alaia Skyhawk: Hi guys, here's the next chapter :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 87: Unusual Methods

The sleigh was once more sailing through the sky along Nightlight's road of light, the boy sat astride the lead reindeer so that he remained close enough to listen to those in the vehicle. Inside it was everyone else. North at the front, holding the reins, and the rest sat facing the Spirit of Winter who had perched himself on the rear edge of the compartment.

With the jungle now some distance below them, and North dealing with the matter of heading for where his sword said the last Relic could be found. Now was a time for questions, and hopefully answers, from this immortal sent back to help them.

Ombric was the one to speak first, not Bunny, for the Pooka still seemed to be having some issues with random giggles. Not that the rest of them were much better, what with all the random grinning still going on. But still he asked the question they were all thinking.

"Jack. What exactly did you do to us? Never in all my life, have I encountered such an irresistible urge to laugh. We were completely incapacitated by it."

Jack winced a little, at the implication that being incapacitated during a battle was not a good thing to have happen. After that he shrugged, remaining somewhat nonchalant.

"I just completely overloaded you with the feeling of 'Fun'." He scratched at the back of his head in embarrassment. "I'd normally use a bit more finesse than that, and make the dose no stronger than it needs to be, but I was pressed for time. Laughter is, after all, the only thing Fearlings are truly afraid of."

North glanced back from his seat at the reins. He too was still grinning intermittently, but above that the rest of his expression was incredulous.

"Why in moon's name would they be scared of people laughing? I don't get it."

Jack smirked just a little.

"Because 'Fun and Laughter', are the complete opposite of Unnatural Fear. You know, the type of fear that those things get their strength from. When I dosed you guys, you stopped being scared in the 'they're a threat' sort of way. So they stopped getting power from you, and instead your laughter would have started draining their strength if they'd hung around long enough. From my side of things, Fearlings haven't been able to come within six feet of me for several years. I radiate such utter contempt for them, view them as being so insignificant they're not worth even paying attention to, that if they do get close to me they start to lose power right away. In my time, they've learnt to avoid me with a passion. Even when I don't take an exception to them, they turn tail and run when they see me. Not that I make a point of chasing them. I just ignore them."

Toothiana's feathers fluffed up in concern at that statement. She too was having trouble accepting his casual attitude with regards to their enemy.

"They should not be ignored. They're dangerous, and must be dealt with."

Jack snorted.

"What? You mean the way the Constellations tried? The way that actually made the Fearlings stronger, and gave them the power to crush the Golden Age?" He jabbed a finger at her. "Fearlings are similar to us immortals. We have power when people believe in us, and we are weakened when they don't. Fearlings feed off Unnatural Fear, so when you control your fear and don't treat them as a threat, they become weak just the same. Locking them in a planet-sized prison, with all that effort in containing the 'terrible creatures', was such a powerful reaction of Unnatural Fear that it was like giving them an all-you-can-eat buffet." He sighed. "I don't know why I'm explaining all this anyway. You're just going to forget when I go home, and I'll end up explaining it all over again in a few hundred years your time."

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