To Be Forged

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Alaia Skyhawk: So, for those who are wondering, my idea with the Belief Blackouts is that, when they happen, they spread subconsciously up to and including adults as well as children, depending on how severe the Blackout is. As you can guess, the Blizzard of '68 has caused a real doozy of a Blackout, hence we are about to have one VERY unhappy Bunny on our hands...

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 45: To Be Forged

For a meeting to be called on Easter, was unheard of... Never before, in all the years the four of them had worked together after their battles with Pitch, had they met up under such circumstances.

Tooth, Sandy, and North were already gathered at the Workshop, by the time an enraged Easter Bunny arrived having spent hours hoping that the blizzard would ease and the children affected by it would come out of their homes. But even the minority that had come outside, hadn't stayed outside for long. None of the eggs in that area had been found. They were all buried under a minimum of a foot of snow, and in some places it was as deep as eight feet.

Bunny was, quite understandably, extremely upset.

He stormed up to where the others waited for his arrival, and pointed emphatically at the nearby globe. Every light representing a believing child, in the eastern states of the USA, had gone out.

"You can't tell me he's not responsible for this one! That Spirit of Winter, he's wiped out Easter for hundreds of thousand of kids! We haven't had a Belief Blackout this bad since our war with Pitch!"

Tooth fluttered over, still holding onto the hexagon of ice that the winds had delivered to her.

"But Jack Frost sent a weather warning to me, like he always does, and I relayed it to you so you'd know. He wouldn't have caused the storm if it wasn't necessary."

Bunny jabbed a paw at her, in no mood to listen to her attempts to soothe his anger.

"He could have bloody well waited until after Easter! How hard would it have been to wait one more day?!"

When Sandy tapped North on the leg, trying to get him to intervene, the Russian obliged. He knew that Tooth was right.

"Jack only does big storms when Mother Nature tells him to. It is his job, Bunny, and he has to do it. Even if it causes problem for other immortals."

Bunny stared at him, pointing at the globe again.

"You call a Blackout of that size, which has blanked out belief in every immortal in that zone including us, to be a 'problem'? It's a bloody disaster!"

Sandy was making 'calm down' gestures now, as North tried again to talk sense into the Pooka.

"And Sandy and Tooth will fix that, soon as storm is over. A dose of good dreams, some happy reminders of memories, and everything will be back to normal. Is nothing to get worked up about."

There was a moment of utter silence, the tension almost unbearable, before Bunny asked flatly.

"Hey, North, do you have any snow-globes on you?"

North pulled one out of a pocket, shrugging.

"Yes, I always carry couple. Why you ask?"

Bunny dashed over, snatched it, and then bounded back out of reach before he could be divested of it again.

"Because as much as I hate these portals of yours, I don't know where the storm-starter's home base is." He shook the snow-globe. "Winter Sanctuary!"

He threw it, opening a portal to Jack's most private domain, and Tooth gasped.

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