From Past to Present

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Alaia Skyhawk: Me thinks this chapter is going to knock your socks off. Get ready for the ride, because it's going to be a rollercoaster :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.

Chapter 130: From Past to Present

Jack put a brave face on for the rest of the visit, bolstered by Kristoff's promise 'not to tell the girls' about his depressed state. With the new King's discrete support, and a request from him to entertain Prince Nicholas and Princess Christina, Jack was sufficiently able to distract himself and them in order to set aside for now his jumble of memories. It also helped that Katherine snagged him for three afternoons, to help her make copies of numerous stories she'd come across in the books of fables and folklore in the castle library. Even with a bit of Santoff Claussen wizardry, she'd realised she'd be hard pressed to copy everything she wanted before it was time to return to Earth.

All-in-all it kept him busy, until the day before their departure. The point where Queen Anna no less than literally shoved him out the castle doors with the instruction to find her sister and bring her back for the farewell party.

Jack didn't argue, not when it was better to see her being bossy than to see her gazing up at the sky watching for Elsa.

He flew off and went north, following the directions he gleaned from the winds, and found Elsa on a wide plateau high above the height of the snowline.

Jack halted a short distance from her and that which she was building, unable to help but marvel at the glittering and ornate structures she was working on. The plateau was inaccessible by ground travel, and was so deep among the surrounding harsh mountain terrain that 'isolated' was a mild way to describe it.

It seemed she'd chosen where she wanted her Sanctuary of Winter, and had started constructing it. A glittering complex of buildings set atop a field of snow.

He headed over and landed a few feet from her, causing her to twitch in surprise.

She then smiled and gestured around at what she'd made.

"Hello, Jack. So, what do you think?"

He smiled in return.

"Very nice, and I'm sure it'll only get better." He inclined his head southwards. "Tsarina Anser and the rest of us are leaving tomorrow. Queen Anna 'requested' that I bring you back for the farewell party, in that she bodily shoved me out the front door of the castle."

Elsa looked startled.

"It's been two weeks already?"

It took all Jack's control not to show a reaction to that. 'Losing' two weeks was nothing, she'd learn before long that two months would slip by her just as easily once she'd settled into being an immortal. Her interpretation of time would change day-by-day, until months passed seemingly like days, years passed like months, and decades like years.

Would she suffer the same conflict of feelings that he'd endured, when she realised how fast the time would pass her by? As Anna and Kristoff grew old, and their children too grew up and went on to have children of their own.

He forced on an amused grin, hiding behind mischief.

"They do say time flies when you're having fun, and by the looks of all you've built already, you've been having fun."

Elsa laughed at that.

"I guess I have." She rose up into the air, her flight much smoother now after two weeks of practice. "Let's get going then, shall we? It wouldn't do for us to be late for the party."

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