Journey Towards Distant Stars

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Alaia Skyhawk: Here's the next one guys. Bring on the travel sickness!

Oh and one small note about Constellations, so I don't need to crowbar it into the chapter. Constellations generally only have one child per generation, to prevent there being an excess of immortal-creators. So the title and position can pass down via girls or boys. Constellations can be headed by a Tsar or a Tsarina, that's why there's a Tsarina as one of the five waiting on Lumeris.

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 116: Journey Towards Distant Star

The two immortals regarded them with surprise, the small group sat in one of the lesser meeting-rooms at the Grand Assembly. Jamie and Tsar Lunar were the reasoning ones, Wyatt was the general bystander, and Jack and Bunny were the ones looking more than a little startled.

Jack glanced back and forth between them an his fellow immortal.

"Uh, Bunny, didn't you tell me that immortals don't travel to other worlds?"

The Pooka grimaced.

"Ah well that wasn't entirely accurate. Established immortals didn't travel to other worlds during the Old Golden Age, but shipping new ones around was standard practice." He gave Jack a long look. "The Allegiance had over a thousand worlds in it back then, and one-hundred Constellations. Every world had between a hundred and two-hundred immortals, with each Constellation responsible for between five and twenty worlds. Those immortals weren't all made at once, but over centuries. The Constellations would have been trailing back and forth all over the place."

Tsar Lunar nodded to the confused Spirit of Winter.

"He's correct. The Constellations are the central leaders of the Allegiance. To have them away from their capitals for extended periods of time, isn't practical. The only time they would visit a world specifically to create an immortal for it, is when instating the Mother or Father Nature for that world."

Bunny confirmed it when Jack gave him a querying glance.

"Mother and Father Natures always start out as powerful witches and wizards in their own right. Those with powerful Belief Magic, although not up to par with a Constellation, and who also have an affinity for the Forces of Nature on their world. They'd spend up to a decade learning to sense all of those forces, and once they were ready their reigning Constellation would come and turn them into the first Nature Immortal for that world, and show them how to link new immortals into those forces to 'create' other Nature Immortals, Spirits of the Seasons, etc."

Jack blinked, and then made an 'oh' of understanding.

"So basically what I do when I take on or dismiss a Lieutenant. I link them into a little bit of the Power of Winter."

There was silence from both Bunny and Wyatt, the latter pointing a paw limp with shock at Jack.

"You can link immortals into the Forces of Nature on this world?"

Jack regarded him, puzzled by his reaction.

"Um... yes."

Tsar Lunar tapped Wyatt on the arm to get his attention, and began to explain.

"Things are somewhat different on Earth, than the standard practices from the Old Golden Age. With Pitch and the Fearlings here, additional precautions were needed." He glanced at Jack. "I know this has been a secret between myself, Emily Jane, and the Spirits of the Seasons, but with the Nightmare King gone there's no real need to hide it anymore."

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