Snow & Summer Don't Usually Mix

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Alaia Skyhawk: lol, I know you guys want to read this as much as I wanted to write it, so here it is. Special Double Update Day! :D

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 28: Snow & Summer Don't Usually Mix

Jack stood there on the spire, the winds circling around him murmuring concern for his apparently dumbfounded state, before at volume loud enough to be heard outside the Hall of Mirrors, he burst out laughing.

He doubled over in mirth, at the sheer gall Oisin had shown. The Spirit of Autumn was, at the transition between Summer and Autumn, doing what he and Jack did at the Autumn/Winter switch-over. But of course, Achieng had probably never been approached by him about it, and even if he had she obviously hadn't given him permission.

Jack continued to laugh, until he forced himself to stop and ask the winds where exactly this confrontation was going on. And, ironically enough, it was in an area he knew well enough to open an Ice Mirror up onto the very clearing where it was happening. And once he'd done so, and moved the image closer a few times once he'd spotted where his two peers were.

They were in the middle of a patch of frozen tundra, somewhere in the northern part of Russia, and well north of the latitude where 'summer' could truly be called summer. If the nearby trees hadn't all been pines, their leaves would have been turning colour by now with how cold it was starting to get up there. But the dark-skinned Spirit of Summer didn't seem to care about that. All she cared was that Oisin was 'trespassing' during her season.

Jack perched comfortably on the top of his ice-spire, propping his chin on one had while tucking his staff against the opposite shoulder. His entire attention focused on the 'little' drama unfolding in front of him. Oisin just looked annoyed, but Achieng was screaming at the top of her lungs, winds whirling around her and whipping her numerous fine braids about to the point it looked like she had a head covered in snakes.

Jack raised an eyebrow, smirking. Maybe that was where the myth about Medusa had come from? Greece was certainly within the areas where she sometimes had to start wildfires, and what was to say that once, a long time ago, someone had believed in her enough to see her during a similar fit of rage... That or an immortal that was believed in, had made up the description of Medusa based on her and had spread it around as a bit of a joke.

But yes, she was screaming at Oisin, who looked the image of complete and utter patience by comparison.

He sighed, turning his side to her and aiming his bow at some low-lying deciduous bushes that needed to start dropping their leaves.

"If you're quite done with your tantrum, perhaps you could leave me to get on with my work? Summer has already left this region, and Autumn has begun to take its place. I am needed here, and so I have come. That is all."

Achieng hovered a few inches off the ground, seething in anger as she glared at him.

"It seems strange, considering you have never done so before! It is not your time to be here, Oisin Leaffall!"

He glanced at her, before loosing his arrow to pass among the branches of the bushes.

"And that is because, until five years ago, I wasn't aware that Mother Nature was fixing the Balance of Nature during the seasonal transitions, because we had been neglecting them with our inefficient and wholly inappropriate way of doing things. Seasons turn, not based on the calendar, but upon factors of latitude, longitude, and altitude. Here, far north and upon the high plateaus, summer is a very short season, while Spring and Autumn are slightly reduced, and Winter is the longest season of all. Very different from the lands around the equator, where Summer rules for most of the year, and Winter holds no sway at all in terms of snow."

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