Lessons and Stories

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Alaia Skyhawk: For anyone wondering how Jack was able to hold Thomas, this is the idea I had. Children who aren't yet old enough to 'choose' to believe in things like Santa etc, will see any immortal and be able to interact with them so long as someone else acknowledges that immortal's presence first. In that way Pitch can't be seen, heard, or touched by really young children, because no-one around them can see or acknowledge him, and even his fellow immortals would tend to ignore him in front of such children for that very reason.

This is my way of explaining how Jack could have carried Sophie in the film. The others acknowledged and talked to him in front of her, so she accepted that there was someone there. I'd say her reason for not speaking to him or anything, is that there were lots of colourful distractions and a giant bunny keeping her occupied :)

I'll have him figure this out partway through the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 15: Lessons and Stories

High above the clouds, he soared, up in the frigid reaches where his fellow Spirits of the Seasons could not go. He wasn't up here just for the faster flight speed, but also to avoid a certain Spirit of Summer. If Ariko had been irritated by him being at the village for all of Spring, then Achieng would be more than irritated that he was once again trespassing in the North of the World when Southern Winter was taking place in the South. Never mind the fact that Northern Summer/Southern Winter was her quietest time of the year as was his, and never mind that his destination was in a part of Siberia where the summer temperatures didn't rise above what could be termed 'comfortably warm, but not hot'.

Jack neared that area now, and dropped into a steep dive to plunge through empty upper air, down to the cloud layer which was pierced in places by mountain peaks. He let the winds guide him so he didn't inadvertently slam into the side of the mountain near Santoff Claussen, and soon he was flying through a light shower of early-summer rain.

The village looked very different now than it had in winter, with Big Root and the surrounding forest cloaked in a layer of lush greenery. Jack could hear the children playing in those woods, where the canopy held off the worst of the wet. Part of him wanted to go play games with them, but that might be pushing his luck. Achieng would most likely ignore him being in the north, if he was here as a guest of Ombric, but if he started creating snowball fights here outside of the correct season for them, she'd have more than a few choice words for him.

Jack landed at the foot of Big Root and climbed the steps to knock on the door. When it opened just a few moments later, Ombric took a few moments to realise just who it was at his front door.

He blinked, and looked past Jack to the lush summer leaves and flowers everywhere, and then looked at the Spirit of Winter again to indicate he come inside.

"What brings you here, Jack? Don't you have duties in the South?"

Jack watched him close the door, and then shrugged.

"Southern Winter isn't actually a lot of work for me. There's only a handful of places where I need to do avalanche duties, and those need me to do about an hour's work once a week." He paused, starting to feeling a but embarrassed. "So, since this is some of the quietest time in my year, I was wondering if you would, um... teach me to read? Sandy suggested I ask you."

Ombric blinked at him in surprise yet again, and straightened up before a bright smile lit his expression.

"Of course I will! I take great pride in teaching those who come to Santoff Claussen in search of learning. It is the very reason I founded this place!" He began to bustle Jack towards a winding set of stairs. "Come with me, we can go up to the library and get started."

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