A Deal

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Alaia Skyhawk: Sorry to worry you guys, I've just had a busy couple of weeks with work issues. This chapter is fairly short, but it's good as a warm-up to get me back into the swing of things. I'll see about updating again within a couple of days :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 107: A Deal

"And don't you forget to tell the Viking children to put their baby teeth under their pillows!

"I'll need sketches of local art and patterns to design a special batch of eggs for the area."

"And tell them to make sure they brush their teeth!"

"If you would find out more about that winter festival, would be good."

"And tell them to floss!"

"Yes, yes! I'll do it! I'll remember to ask."

Jack beat a hasty and almost frantic retreat through an ice mirror, to get away from his fellow Guardians and the rapidly increasing 'to do' list they were lumbering him with. The meeting had started out great, he'd had his fun at their reactions to the news, and then it had gone the way of a soggy snow-drift in a sudden warm spell. Apparently he'd volunteered himself to represent the Guardians on this, and do all of the associated errands.

Jack let out a sigh, now stood in the calm quiet of his library, and proceeded to locate a sketchbook and charcoal sticks. He'd have taken pencils, except he'd seen Hiccup using charcoal. Better to forestall any questions about the manufacture of pencils, until the other jobs were done.

At least Sandy hadn't given him any to do. The Sandman had instead looked on with a smile of sympathy while their fellow Guardians had chattered.

Jack let out another sigh and created a new mirror, this time to the peak above Berk. He then stepped through to a spot just a few feet from Sveldreki, who noted his boss' flustered state with considerable amusement.

"Good meeting?"

A snowball to the snout was the reply, along with a half-hearted glare.

"Ha ha, very funny. If you must know, I've been given a 'to do' list. So I'd better get that over with so I can concentrate on other things."

As Jack was just taking flight, the dragon chuckled.

"Did you remember to tell Tooth that Vikings don't have floss?"

The Spirit of Winter halted in mid-air, pausing to direct a highly unamused glance at his Lieutenant.

"I'll save that for a written report, when I don't have to be there to see her read it. Now if you will excuse me."

He flew off, pointedly ignoring the laugh he heard as he did so. Downside of being the Guardian of Fun and Spirit of Winter combined... Several of his Lieutenants took great amusement at seeing him flustered.

Jack's arrival at the village of Berk, landing atop one of the house-roofs, got only a few startled glances and a similar number of either bellowed greetings or enthusiastic waves. He took that to mean either Hiccup's talk with them had gone well, or he'd chickened out and not told them yet. Either way now was as good a time as any to do the errand for Bunny.

Jack remained on the roof and started sketching all the carved decorations he could see on the surrounding homes, ignoring when a couple of local dragons landed on the roof behind him and began to watch over his shoulders as he drew. After that he went down to ground-level, asking a few bystanders for a closer look at the circular cloak-pins which most of them seemed to wear on both shoulders. He was just finishing up sketching them from memory afterwards, when a certain young Viking finally showed up.

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