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Alaia Skyhawk: Yep, I know it's been about a week. However I've been planning this next arc out so it wouldn't turn into a repeat of the one with all the science conferences :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 93: Revealed

It all began as Northern Summer took hold, eighteen months after that Christmas. A whirlwind year and half as all immortals with believers did as per Tsar Lunar's instructions. Each seeking and gaining a good percentage of adult believers in their territories and Ranges of Belief. But along with that was the growing numbers of sightings by 'not so believers', the internet flooding with posts on forums across the whole spectrum of social sites. The tide was surging, so many questions were being raised. What were these strange people? Were they real?

Jack strolled into one of the rooms, which lay in an annexe just off the main workshop at North's place. The chamber had become a sort of 'centre of operations' for a small group of assistants monitoring the chatter on the internet. Phil raised a hand in greeting, as the leader of the team on the internet side of things, and Baby Tooth zipped over to buzz around Jack's head.

He laughed, holding up a hand so she could land on it.

"Hey, Baby Tooth. How's it going?"

She smiled widely and pointed to where the rest of her team of fifty tooth fairies each hovered in front of a small screen. Each was blinking rapidly between a set of TV news channels, staying on each one only long enough for the quick-minded fairies to identify if the topic related to immortals or not. It would have been impossible without them, and their inherited knowledge from Tooth of every spoken language used by humans. Add their ability to stay awake for weeks on end, especially in this rather less than strenuous environment compared to their usual, and the Guardians had a twenty-four/seven watch on global news-feeds.

Jack followed Baby Tooth over to a little switchboard designed for her tiny hands. Whenever one of her team thought a topic might be of interest, they touched a button on their screen that recorded the rest of that news segment and forwarded it to her station. It was now that she started to look a little excited, bringing up one particular recording of a news-feed from Russia.

It was a language that Jack knew, being well-versed in most of the dialects used in the coldest places in the world so he could interact with the children in those places. He listened intently to the thirty-second clip, his eyebrows rising by the end of it.

"Public government acknowledgement of the 'strange sightings', with an announcement of intent to investigate." He started to grin, pulling over a chair and sitting down next to Baby Tooth's screen. "I think I'm going to stay here and watch... There's no way the US are going to keep quiet when Russia has made a response. Let's see how long it takes for them to react, and what they react with."

The Spirit of Winter remained there in amused vigil, even going so far as making a mirror to his Hall of Mirrors when the daily frostdust and weather report time came around. He sat on the other side of it, doing that work but still able to listen to the news-feeds that were forwarded to Baby Tooth.

It was almost sixteen hours after being shown the Russian report, that an excited squeak from one of the fairy team preceded a new news-feed being directed to Baby Tooth's screen.

Jack, once again ensconced in his chair, watched intently even as the excitement brought over everyone else in the room. Because there on the screen, at what was mid-morning in Washington DC, was none other than President Archenfeld stood at the traditional podium to make a public announcement.

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