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Alaia Skyhawk: Sorry for the delay guys, but I got invited to an interview for a job so my weekend has been me all in a tizzy waiting for that. Added to which, today I got asked to go in and "see if I like the job", so here's to hoping I get a job offer at the end of the session *crosses fingers*

Moving on, I was asked this in a review and figured I would answer it here. Someone asked why Father Time didn't tell the Pooka Brotherhood about the mistakes in the pre-training for Immortals candidates, and why he didn't teach the Constellations how to create immortals. Father Time, when he transformed himself into an immortal, set himself certain rules about interfering. Anything that would cause a huge change was out-of-bounds. He's made only two exceptions to that rule in all the years since he became Father Time.

The first was commanding fifty of the Pookas into hiding, to save the Brotherhood from being destroyed and so they could rebuild the Allegiance once Pitch stopped attacking. The second was the huge paradox involving Jack, which was to end the threat of Pitch and the Fearlings. As the Founder of the original Golden Age, he took those steps to save what he could, and to help bring about a new Golden Age.

Anything else he's done, like give advice or direction, has been relatively minor. Like him asking the Constellations to bring those candidates to Lumeris. It wasn't hugely significant, because it would only have meant about a month's delay in the choosing of the first new Guardians of Fun and Stewards of Natural Fear. It was just a small time-saver :)

Oh, and I plan a one-shot of Jack with the Guardian of Fun candidates, to cover the last few days on Lumeris. Those scenes were giving me trouble, so rather than keep delaying the update I'm summarising them. I guess I can tell you all now that I'm planning to do a collection-fic of one-shots and mini-arcs based on Secret of Frost and Moon, filling in gaps and such, although I won't be posting or updating that until this fic is done (And I'm not all that far from the end, just a couple more arcs or so)

You'll all have that to look forward to, although please don't put one-shot suggestions in reviews on this fic or send them in PMs to me yet, since I'd like to concentrate on this fic first. I will begin accepting requests/suggestions for "Moments of Frost and Moon" once that fic is posted, so save them until then. I can't post it now, because the opening two-chapter mini-arc is MAJOR MAJOR spoilers for the ending of Secret of Frost and Moon. And trust me, you guys are going to LOVE what I have planned for the ending :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 122: Homecoming

The remaining days on Lumeris were somewhat hectic, if by hectic you meant seeing Jack trailing a gradually dwindling number of frazzled Guardian of Fun candidates around various places in the city where children gathered. His seemingly boundless energy at odds with the 'hangover' he'd suffered when he stopped tapping into Lumeris' Spring. It had been something akin to the ultimate sugar-crash, in part due to how long he'd tapped into it for while unaccustomed to the powers of Spring. Short stints in future, be they for weather-monitoring or for pranks, were unlikely to cause more than mild discomfort so long as he kept things sensible.

Not that he was in a hurry to find out at present. He was too busy having fun selecting his final candidates. Taking them to see children and telling them to trust their instincts while interacting with them. Looking for those who were naturally inclined to direct children to deal with fear via games of sorts. Yet at the same time discounting the ones with the strong tendency to go over-the-top with that strategy. Because if it was done at the detriment to healthy common sense and caution, it was a big no no.

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