A Frozen Introduction

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Alaia Skyhawk: Hehe, yes here's the next chapter. I'm going to see about finishing this fic for NaNo this year :)

For those who guessed Elsa, you are correct (as if the planet name wasn't a clue. Yensidia is (ai)disney backwards hehe. For those hoping that Brave and Tangled will also get cameos in this story... sorry, but no. Including Rapunzel and Merida brings this too close to a "Big Four" fic, which there are SO MANY of on FFnet already, so neither will be getting an outing in this story. I've only included the Frozen crew because it allows me to cover something with Jack that I've not touched on for a long while, and because I will get to show him interacting with a certain snowman (cue hilarity, I also have an awesome but cute gag stuck in my head that I REALLY want to use).

And lastly, no matter how much many of you may beg for it, there will be NO JackxElsa pairing. Considering both of them are to be Spirits of Winter for different worlds, that kind of "long distance" (very long distance) relationship would be cruel :P

However do expect sibling bonding, angst, and the aforementioned certain snowman :D

(As one final note, remember that in this "Universe" any film I reference characters from, doesn't exist so there can't be any reaction of "Oh my gosh, there's a planet with Disney characters on it!" hehehehe)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 127: A Frozen Introduction

The news of the Tsarina's ship arriving in orbit caused a flurry of activity, a burst of excitement that grew steadily once it was confirmed the shuttle would be bringing her down to the city within the hour. They had been waiting for this ever since their beloved Snow Queen had been asked to become Yensidia's Spirit of Winter, and she had agreed. The knowledge that their wonderful and kind Lady would live on to watch over them forever more sparking anticipation of the upcoming event.

The Queen in question gazed out of one of the upper windows of her castle, looking over the fjord towards the open sea beyond. Glancing at the mountains to either side that were showing the first dusting of impending winter's snow. A memory rose from the depths of her past, of the same fjord frozen over and the city covered with three feet of snow... in the middle of summer.

She shook herself from the memory and quietly berated herself.

"That was twenty years ago, Elsa. You've never lost control like that since then. 'Love will thaw', so you'll never trap anyone in eternal winter."

She turned her pale blue eyes back to the view, this time taking note of the additions that were new since this world had joined the Allegiance fifteen years previously. Arendelle looked mostly the same as it had back then, but the lamps were no longer lit with gas, and log fires were only for atmosphere in homes than actual need for heat. Heat and light were now provided by the technology given to them by the Allegiance, along with the graceful tower at the city's edge which held the Etheric Turbines that powered that technology.

Only a few nations on this world had taken up the use of the flying carriages also offered, but she didn't doubt that it wouldn't be long before everyone used them. Much as the new and very safe sailing ships had replaced those of wood and canvas. They were changes, good ones, but still changes...

...And now she was to become the next big change for her world. Yensidia had a Father Nature and a Spirit of Spring, and soon she would join them.

"Aunt Elsa! Aunt Elsa!"

The yelling of a child reached her ears, the moment a young girl of twelve barrelled into the room followed at a more sedate pace by her fifteen-year-old brother. Both had their father's blonde hair, although the girl's had a hint of copper cast from their mother. Much as she'd inherited her mother's lively nature.

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