The Next Step

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Alaia Skyhawk: Prepare for more headcannon lol, and a happy plot twist! :D

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 76: The Next Step

Marcus and Marcia in the foyer of the research agency's headquarters, wrapped up in their Antarctic gear and yet they didn't look that much out of place. Thankfully, with it being Northern Winter and snowing outside, their cold-weather gear hadn't raised a single eyebrow. Just as well, really... Well that and the fact the receptionist clearly had no idea that the two visitors were supposed to be approximately thirteen-thousand miles away.

Jack whistled quietly to himself while Marcia dealt with the receptionist, admiring the various maps and photographs of Antarctica that adorned the walls of the reception hall. Yeah it was probably the harshest continent on the planet, and certainly the coldest, but it was also beautiful in its own way. Wide open expanses of glacier, with distant mountains, may look harsh when the skies were overcast. But add sunlight and you could be travelling over a plain of glittering diamonds. Travel by moonlight, and it was like being amid a field of fallen stars on a bed of silver.

Marcia moved away from the receptionist's desk, gesturing for Marcus to follow her, and by extension indicating Jack should follow as well. She led them towards the elevators, but it was only once they were inside and the doors were shut, that she spoke.

"We're lucky. Director Branspeth is available right now, and has no meetings scheduled for today. He's actually waiting for the first reports on the Glacial Anomaly, after I sent him the message that the team had reached the edge of it and were taking samples."

As the elevator proceeded upwards, Jack laughed quietly at that.

"I think he's going to be surprised then... Getting the report in person, instead of via email."

Marcus, now rather more comfortable in the immortal's presence, actually went so far as to nudge him with an elbow.

"I know you're also the Guardian of Fun, but do you think you could keep the wise-cracks to a minimum for this meeting? I mean, if not for all the undeniable proof you've already given us, I'd still think I was trapped in my tent in that storm, sat there hallucinating and delirious. Go easy on the Director. He's a former scientist, but he's not so modern-thinking as us from the research station. Try not to give him a heart-attack."

Jack let out a resigned sigh, his tone bland.

"Fine, fine, I'll keep things low key. Even if making myself seen isn't that hard these days... Not after ten years of the world's population being exposed to daily frostdust... The Immortals have always had a generalised rule of trying not to be mistaken for poltergeists. That is, no picking things up and writing out our names to try gain believers. There are occasions when an exception can be made, but for the most part it's a no no. Basically because ninety-nine point nine nine nine etc percent of occasions, the person who sees it runs away screaming and calls in an exorcist."

Marcia and Marcus glanced at him, the latter looking rather bemused.

"You and the rest of your kind must lead really strange lives."

Jack shrugged nonchalantly.

"You get used to it."

The elevator doors opened and the trio stepped out, heading down the hallway before them until they reached the end. After discretely peering round the door, and confirming that the Director's secretary was at her desk outside his office, Marcus grimaced.

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