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Alaia Skyhawk: Time to wrap up the Sophie arc for now :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 103: Constellation

Jamie and Sophie's return through the mirror wasn't quite triumphant, not with an irate and worried Pooka waiting for them at the other side. But as much as it was clear Bunny had been about to launch into a tirade of reprimands for dashing out of the Warren like that, a simple glance and an eyebrow-raise from Jamie silenced him.

He might have only just ascended, but Jamie already understood the importance of being a Constellation. That and the power over immortals that it gave him. Three hours ago he'd held himself proud as an individual wizard, but now he radiated a firm authority that couldn't be denied.

It reminded Bunny of the change in the young man, which was as profound in its way as the change Sophie had just gone through. Jamie might be just twenty-six years old, but the look in his eyes was of someone with knowledge and responsibility that spanned far beyond that.

Jamie then sighed, letting that stern presence fade.

"Sorry, I know you're just worried, but Sophie is fine." He regarded the Pooka and asked politely. "Could you take us to the Workshop please? I think it would be a wise idea to let the rest of the Guardians see her before they sit simmering in concern any longer. Do they know about me being a Constellation?"

Bunny shook his head.

"Not if the letter North was carrying when he came by, is the same as the ones Jack gave to everyone else."

Jamie nodded.

"Good. I'd rather tell them myself... I'm afraid that my plans mean the Guardians are likely to have a lot of work to do. Helping maintain the happiness among children, and the calm among adults. I'll need to speak with Kosmotis as well. It's likely that from his work, he already knows the best individuals to pick from each government. I'll need to select the representatives with great care."

Bunny started at him, both a little confused and unnerved.


Jamie smiled.

"I'll explain it once we're with the others."

Bunny hesitated a few more seconds before opening a burrow to the Warren. From there it was as simple as closing the portal and re-opening it again to the new destination, and the trio emerged to a scene that was just a fraction short of chaos.

Tooth was fluttering around with her feathers stood on end, North was bellowing questions at the top of his lungs, Jack was trying to fend off those questions, and Sandy floated off to the side holding a ball of dreamsand. Clearly he was considering whether or not to knock out both North and Tooth to restore some semblance of calm. The sight of Bunny, Sophie, and Jamie brought instant silence and stillness, before it all started up again with Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy dashing towards them.

Sophie winced, taking a step back, yes beside her Jamie just shook his head in bemusement before he flicked a hand in the pair's direction.

North was instantly silenced, and Tooth brought to an immediate halt. At which point Jamie glanced over at his uncle.

"Noisy, isn't it? It's amazing how the emergence of a new immortal can kick up such a fuss."

North was now gaping in shock at the blasé remark, and Tooth's feathers fluffed up as she spoke in what sounded almost like outrage.

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