Rise of the Guardians 'Part 4'

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Alaia Skyhawk:

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 56: Rise of the Guardians ~Part 4~

Jack took only a moment glanced at Sandy, get raised eyebrows in response, and nod his head. The Spirit of Winter following after North as the Russian headed for the nearest elevator. That meeting had, to be honest, turned into a train wreck the moment Bunny had brought up the thing about his ears being frozen. The Pooka was probably going to get another lecture from Sandy, and in the meantime the Guardian of Dreams wanted the newest Guardian to regain his emotional bearings.

Long story short, Jack and Bunny needed to be separated for at least a short while, so one could cool down, and the other could pick up his confidence from where the Pooka had smashed pieces of it into the floor.

Jack and North had reached the elevator, well out of earshot of the other Guardians, when the younger of them stopped in his tracks.

North frowned when he noticed.

"What is it?"

Jack favoured him with a bland stare, before rolling his eyes and using one hand to conjure a small Ice Mirror.

"I am the Spirit of Winter, remember? I was due to shape and shepherd a major blizzard over the Alaskan mountains when your yetis abducted me. If I'm going to be helping fight Pitch for the foreseeable near-future, then I need to make arrangements."

The mirror's surface gleamed blue, changing to an image of the interior of the Lieutenants' Residence in the Winter Sanctuary, and sure enough Zuě Hu was curled up in his customary spot for this time of year.

Jack conjured a snowball, hefted it, and threw it through the mirror... Resulting in a minor explosion of flailing paws and tail as the massive white tiger jolted awake.

"Jack!" Zuě Hu paused, looking around the otherwise empty room in confusion, before he noticed the mirror hung in mid-air close by. "I do wish you wouldn't wake me like that. What do you need?"

Jack allowed himself a wry smile for his successful prank, but then got down to business.

"Tsar Lunar's made the call, and I'm at North's Workshop with the rest of the Guardians. I need you and Cernunnos to take over the weather stuff for me, there's a blizzard over Alaska that I should be doing right about now, and then there's all that late snow over the UK and Ireland. Take care of it for me, will you?"

Zuě Hu's ears pricked forward, his eyes widening.

"You've been called? Pitch is making his move?"

Jack nodded, ignoring the way North was watching this exchange with intrigue.

"Yeah." His smile faded. "And you know what that means. I'm gonna be in fights, no doubt about that, which means I need you all to promise you won't come charging to my defence if you sense me take a hit. Marzanna has her own important work to take care of, with the thaw being well under-way, and Yuki will need to keep Dig from doing something stupid. That means I need you and Cernunnos to focus on the remainder of Northern Winter. We all have our jobs to do."

The tiger straightened up, chest puffed out in determination.

"And we shall do ours... All the best with your fight, Jack. Give Pitch a good pounding for us."

Jack tapped the edge of the mirror, causing it to crumble and vanish, just as North then murmured.

"So your Lieutenants knew as well, that you were Guardian."

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