Rise of the Guardian 'Part 5'

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Alaia Skyhawk: And here is part 5! Oh, and I'll be fixing a diologue plothole in this one. Tooth says "seven continents", but if you go with the typical list of Australia, South America, North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Antarctica... Only six of those have people living on them. I discount Antarctica, because all that's really there is research outposts where you wouldn't typically find any kids. So yeah, Tooth's line is a bit inaccurate hehehe :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 57: Rise of the Guardians ~Part 5~

For several moments they stood there in silence. Partly in shock at all that had happened so suddenly, and partly because they were at a loss as to how to respond. They'd been caught off guard in addition to being tricked, and now they'd have to scramble to pick up the pieces.

Perhaps if they'd been less sceptical about Pitch making a return, that wouldn't have been the case.

Bunny sat down on his haunches, sombre as he watched Tooth land at the edge of her pond and stare at an empty tooth box she'd picked up.

"I'll admit it, North, you were right about Pitch."

The Russian sighed, shaking his head as he paced.

"This is one time I wish I was wrong. But he will pay. We will make sure of that."

Jack listened to them with a heavy heart, feeling a burden of guilt which he knew Sandy would scold him for. The knowledge that, had he not been hiden away, he could have prevented this... It was almost too much to bear. And so he went over to Tooth, and lay a hand in support on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, about the fairies."

She glanced at him, bleak.

"You should've seen them. They put up such a fight."

Baby Tooth buzzed around both their heads, landing on his hand when he held it up for her.

"He took them for the memories, didn't he. It isn't just about starting a Belief Blackout, it's about making it as hard as possible for us to stop it from continuing and getting worse... He went after you, because you were the most vulnerable Guardian whose work takes place every day. Your fairies, which are your greatest strength..."

She nodded.

"Are also my greatest weakness. Take them away, and I don't just lose my assistants, I also lose a part of myself. They're an extention of me. Without them I feel so... lost."

Baby Tooth left Jack's hand and flew to snuggle against the side of Tooth's Face. By irony he'd saved one of her Lead Fairies, the tiny number who had a golden crest on their heads like she did. They were the original six 'mini fairies' that she'd started out with, before she'd eventually split herself into the vast multitude she had now. It was small comfort for her, but it was something.

Baby Tooth's encouragement got Tooth up off the floor and flying again, but the group remained uncertain of what move to make next, until she gasped as several of her feathers fell out.

She turned, gazing at the mural above the pond, and as they all watched the painting began to degrade just like the palace had up above.

"Oh no... The Children! We're too late!"

North strode forward, shaking his head vehemently.

"No! No! No such thing as too late!" He resumed his pacing, sword-holding hands up by his head as he rattled fingers on their hilts. "Wait... Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Idea! HAHH!" North pointed his swords at Sandy and Bunny, the latter forced to lean backwards when one of them came within an inch of his head. "We will collect the teeth!"

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