Golden Celebration

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Alaia Skyhawk: Quiet chapters! GAH! WHY ARE YOU SO HARD TO WRITE! I think I sat down to this one about twenty times before I got it done *grumbles* Anyways, time for another cameo arc. Several people have requested it, and truthfully it lets me cover a couple of topics and add a couple of gags I REALLY want to use.

Again, a warning though. There will be NO pairings with Jack, no matter how much some people may ask for them :P

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 126: Golden Celebration

The City of Solaris was awash with the signs of celebration, be they decorations, people gathered joyously in the streets, or the magical fireworks that were being constantly launched up into the sky above it. Indeed every major city on Earth was similarly in the throws of massed excitement and anticipation, as the people who had travelled on the interstellar cruise ships docked at the Moon Clipper travelled through the mirrors to Solaris and then others to those far-flung destinations. Tourists from other worlds and homecoming-Earthlings alike, all were here for this momentous occasion.

Because nine years after Jamie and Tsar Lunar's visit to Lumeris, and two years after revealing to the Earth the existence of the Allegiance... The Earth was finally joining it.

The prospect of going on vacations/visiting those other worlds had been the first thing mentioned to the people of Earth back when the revelation had occurred, and had resulted in a huge clamour for the chance to do so. Within a month of that the cruise ships started arriving, offering return trips to and from various 'nearby' worlds at reduced prices. Luckily by now, Jamie and the World Council had finished transitioning all of the Earth over into using the same standard currency as the Allegiance, not that the Council had been aware of it being that when the Constellation had proposed the currency to them seven years previous. It became fairly obvious at this point that he'd been keeping secrets about the Allegiance, but only minor grumbles about that were raised given the rush of everything else to do. And besides, the united currency meant that doors were wide open for easy interstellar trade.

They didn't know the half of it, at least in the terms of comparing their work-load to that of Constellations Gallus, Vespa, Apis, Anser, and Noctua. Those five in the nine years, had finished creating the Mother and Father Natures for all the worlds in the Allegiance. Most of the worlds also had their first Spirit of the Seasons as well, and their basic set of Guardians of Childhood. All thanks to the Allegiance's policy of keeping candidates on hand for all of those, just in case. Of course it was still a long ways to go before there was s a Guardian of Fun and Steward of Natural Fear for each, but Jack and Kosmotis were averaging about fourteen to sixteen of each trained per year, in two 'classes' of seven or eight. They wouldn't take on larger groups of them than that, for obvious reasons. It would be a few decades before every world had their own of those.

But back to the matter of joining the Allegiance, Tsarina Anser was the Allegiance's representative for this momentous occasion, and admittedly this was her first visit to the Earth because of her recent workload. Were it not for the immediate duties of the event, in her excitement at being here she would likely have gone off sight-seeing. Certainly her wide-eyed enthusiasm was an indication that a tour would be in order once the formalities were over.

And if there was one person who really wished they were over, it was Jack.

The Guardian of Fun let out a carefully hidden sigh of boredom, sat as he was in the outer ring of seats in the World Council Chamber. He was 'stuck' with his fellow Spirits of the Seasons, Mother Nature, and Kosmotis for this, while on the opposite side of the room sat the Guardians, Sophie, and Nightlight... Who were having a lively but quiet discussion about the ceremony as the various Council Representatives blathered on through their various speeches. Jack's present company were silent except for the occasional brief remark, and any attempt at a conversation got him 'shushed'.

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