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Alaia Skyhawk: Whew, looooooooong chapter this time. I doubt any of you will complain about it, though :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 111: Solaris

When the news had been announced to the world, it was done with great fanfare. Every detail extolled with the greatest of public enthusiasm. Every government had taken part in revealing it to the world, that Tsar Lunar had 'graciously' built a floating city that would be home to a new World Council. A city that, four days later, was about to be sent to Earth from the moon.

The announcement had also mentioned that the Chairman of the Council was to be the Tsar of the newly-ascended Constellation Solus. A human had become a Constellation! Proof that humans could become as great as the Man in the Moon, the creator of immortals!

As to who the new Constellation was? One James Bennett; accomplished wizard and tireless ambassador for the Immortals. He who had helped bring new technologies and prosperity to so many nations, the means for limitless cheap electricity, and also to grow enough food for all people in the world without harming nature in the process. Yes, Bunny had being blurred out a bit, as the source of that tech info, but it was Jamie who had gone around convincing people to use it.

But yes, eighty percent of the world governments were singing high anticipation of this event, high praise of Jamie, and the other twenty percent are all at least moderately positive about it. Not necessarily because they were happy about things... But because that city was coming down regardless, and 'shit would hit the fan' if a positive light wasn't put on it publicly.

Basically Jamie had put them in the position of 'cooperate for world peace' or 'look like hate-mongers'. Because world peace truly was his objective, he had no ulterior motives at all. He didn't want to conquer the world, he just wanted to stop the pointless posturing and squabbling between the various nations. And he was going to prove it.

Satellites, telescopes, cameras... All such devices with a good view of the sky had now been pointed towards the moon. Waiting as the Earth's spin brought the moon into line with the west coast of America. That was when Solaris launched.

Telescopes picked up the opening of a massive hangar built under the surface of the moon. The Moon Clipper, while crippled itself, still contained within it vast resources and manufactories. Solaris was being dropped in units that would connect together once they reached the ocean. And so twenty-six objects began their descent towards the Earth. One massive one, eight smaller ones, sixteen that were smaller still, and a single smallest one which was the Transport Hub Jack had suggested.

They travelled fast, crossing the distance between moon and upper-atmosphere in just three hours. They then slowed, the largest in the lead. Within minutes, more satellites and anything else that can see them beam images of the fiery trails drawn in the air by the descent.

This was when a new feed cut in, sent to the world from the middle of the Pacific. Because Jack and his fellow Spirits of the Seasons had volunteered to carry cameras to the area the city was to land. Every TV in the world, every person watching, got to see the central unit open up to reveal a shape like a blazing sun, with eight 'flames' like petals pointing outwards, which settled on the surface of the ocean. The next eight came in behind it, also opening up like smaller flames, locked into the gaps between the points of the central section. The sixteen smaller positioned themselves in pairs around the outer rim of the city. And then, last and lonely, the transport hub settles at the 'tip' one of the central section's flames. There it connected to the main thoroughfare that runs down it.

Secret of Frost and MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora