Three Versus One

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Alaia Skyhawk: Someone asked where I get the names of the Spirits of the Seasons from, considering how unusual they sound compared to "Jack". "Ariko" is a name associated with a goddess/spirit of spring over in China/Japan sort of area. "Achieng" is an African name, which means something about summer although I can't recall exactly what it was. "Oisin" is a name from a myth, about a huntsman who was raised out in the forest by deer.

Moving on to Jack's Lieutenants, "Yuki-onna" is an obvious Japanese myth reference. "Cernunnos the Gifting Stag", is something I came across which seems to be European-based. "Marzanna" (and yes, she will be a Lieutenant too eventually) is a Slavic-based myth associated with winter and death :)

I hope you enjoyed this little foray into the research I did to get names, and now we shall return to our regularly scheduled story update ^_^

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 29: Three Versus One

The months passed after the 'incident' and subsequent truce made with Achieng, as Oisin guided her through the new method of transitioning the Seasons and for Weather Watching. For Jack, it was a rather unusual span of time, since she was still doing her last handful of Summer work, just north of the equator, when he started his first few bits of Northern Winter work right up by the Arctic Circle. It meant that, for a couple of hours on a single day, the Spirits of Summer, Autumn, and Winter were all working in the North of the World at the same time.

It was also the day that both Achieng and Oisin came looking for him.

He was perched on the slopes of a mountain, close to the Arctic Circle, when the winds stirred unusually in herald to both Spirits descending out of the sky to land near him.

Jack turned to face them both, and leaned on his staff with a smile.

"So... What brings you to the cold north?"

Achieng glanced at Oisin, before answering that question.

"The winds will have told you, that I did my last Northern Summer work today in the Sahara. Due to differences in altitude affecting times, Summer will begin arriving in some places in the South of the World in three weeks."

Jack raised his eyebrows.

"And you're telling me this, why?"

Achieng rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"You're the one who came up with this new system, and you're the one who made the point of showing it to Oisin and then to me. I'm asking if or not I should 'intrude' on Southern Spring, or wait for for Summer Threshold?"

Oisin spoke now, somewhat wryly.

"What we're saying is, we haven't decided how to deal with her yet. Do we ask her to cooperate? If so, do we have Achieng approach her alone, or all three of us go together?"

Jack frowned thoughtfully, jumping lightly up so that he was perched in a crouch on the crook of his staff. He sat there, elbow braced on one knee, and his chin resting on one hand. He then looked towards them, head tilted.

"Well, given that I have the most experience or the three of us regarding her being angry... I'd say stick to the Summer Threshold, Achieng. Let me be the focus of her tantrum, at the transition to Northern Spring."

Oisin frowned.

"Are you sure that's wise? She already dislikes you, and if you keep winter lingering in the far north while she is bringing spring to the south of you, she may attack you."

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