A Norse Conclusion

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Alaia Skyhawk: Well here's the last chapter of this arc. I'll admit it fell flatter in the middle than I'd imagined, when I decided to use HTTYD characters for this arc, but it's still been fun. It's made it a struggle to motivate myself to use the limited time I've had in recent weeks, to work on this, but the next arc has no such issues. The next one is biiiiiiig, and will come after a single interlude chapter with Sophie :)

Oh, and in reference to the mention in this of a self-sustained immortal extending the life of another person as well as themselves, I've had a head-cannon for it for ages with regards to Katherine and her giant goose, Kailash. I never explained it fully before now though, so I'll do it here. Self-sustained immortals, if strong enough of will, can support themselves and one other. No more than that.

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 110: A Norse Conclusion

"Is it really necessary to blindfold me?"

"Come on, don't be a spoil sport."

Hiccup grumbled under his breath as he was manhandled through yet another ice mirror by an insistent Jack Frost. This was the last day of this trip, he understood that, but being unable to see anything when your curiosity is already on overdrive is somewhat infuriating.

Jack rolled his eyes at the grumbles, leading the blindfolded Viking through the thicket of trees on the other side of the mirror. Waiting at the edge of that thicket were a man and women, both dressed for the summer weather, although the man was wearing sunglasses and had his cap pulled low.

Radiant in her daisy-print blue dress, Allienne darted over when she saw the pair come into view.

"Hi, Jack!" Hiccup reached for his blindfold, but was stopped by the Guardian. Seeing that, the red-headed woman put her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrows at him. "Jack, the amusement park can't even be seen from here. Let him take it off, and introduce us properly to him."

Hiccup was already removing the cloth, directing glance at Jack. The Guardian looked a bit embarrassed, and was failing rather at hiding it.

Jack cleared his throat.

"Hiccup, this is my many-greats nephew and his fiancée; Jamie and Allienne."

Jamie removed his cap and sunglasses for a moment, smiling before putting them back on.

"Hi. I hope my uncle hasn't worn you out with all the sightseeing."

Hiccup grinned.

"Not at all. In fact, compared to some of my fellow Vikings, he's quite tame." He peered around. "So, anyone care to tell me what an 'amusement park' is?"

Allienne grabbed him by the hand, dragging him off down the path towards the sounds of music, people, and rides located beyond the tree-line up ahead. Even as Hiccup tried to dig his heels in to slow down, Jack shouted after the pair.

"You might as well give up now! She's from Santoff Claussen!"

All struggles from Hiccup immediately stopped, and he clearly resigned himself to being towed along. One afternoon with the children of that village, had taught him they were pretty unstoppable when they wanted to show you something interesting.

Jack and Jamie watched the pair turn the corner and disappear from view, the former then turning to regard his nephew.

"So, what's with the disguise? I know I need to wear one, but why you? Sure you're a Bennett, but still."

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