Summer Fun

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Alaia Skyhawk:

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 66: Summer Fun

It was just after the start of Northern Summer, when Jack playfully descended through the sky down towards the Workshop. Yeah sure, he could have gone straight there with a mirror, but riding the winds was always fun. And on this particular day, the winds had taken great delight in tossing him around like a snowflake. He did however use a mirror to by-pass the doors once he actually arrived, seeing no point in waiting for a yeti to answer the door when he was welcome to come and go here as he pleased... Well that and the fact he didn't plan to stage another 'Break into Santa's Workshop', until at least November.

Once inside, Jack idled his way in the direction of the main workshop area. Again, he could have gone directly with a mirror, but this way let him snoop about as he went. He had a bit of spare time, so he might as well take a look around on his way to see North.

He found the Guardian of Wonder, as expected, at the toy manufacturing levels. And upon reaching him, Jack immediately began to pester him.

"Do you ever take a break? I've been in here nine times since the Easter fiasco, and every time I come, no matter the day, I seem to find you either in here or your workroom. Do you even sleep?"

North, in the middle of inspecting a new design of toy, glanced at him.

"Of course I sleep, once a week, on Tuesdays. I probably sleep more than you do."

Jack raised his eyebrows.

"So you sleep for what? Six hours each week?" North nodded, and Jack continued. "So that's three-hundred and twelve hours a year, or thirteen days solid." He smirked a little. "Sorry, I beat you. If I add up all my usual naps, and my post-Northern Winter hibernation, I sleep for twice that."

North moved on to the next toy to be inspected, frowning a little.

"Does this conversation have a point, Jack?"

Jack rolled his eyes.

"Um, yeah. It's called 'take a break, North, relax, and have some fun for a change'. Seeing you working every time I come in here, makes me itch to get you out and about. I am the Guardian of Fun, remember? And from what I can see, you don't spend enough time enjoying any."

North set aside that toy and sighed.

"Jack, I'm sure you can see I am very busy. And it's Southern Winter, yes? Don't you have work too?"

The Spirit of Winter grinned, leaning casually on his staff.

"Southern Winter is one of my quietest times of year, due to the relatively small area of land where snow falls in the South of the World. I have nothing to do until at least the end of the week, and even then it's minor. I've been doing far more work for my Guardian duties, than I have for my Seasonal tasks. Come on, stop being a wet blanket and take a day off for once."

North eyed him, starting to become suspicious.

"Why you being so pushy about this?"

Jack rolled his eyes again.

"And why do you insist on holing yourself up in the Workshop all year. You admitted it yourself, you haven't spent time with kids for centuries. Apart from the kids at Santoff Claussen for the victory party. You've not budged out of here since then, and that was three months ago."

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