New Settlers

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Alaia Skyhawk: Here's the next chapter! :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 24: New Settlers

"Get back to your Sanctuary, Frost!"

"Chill out, Oisin! It's only four weeks until Northern Winter!"

Two figures streaked across the sky; one of whites and greys and the other of shades of brown. The latter chased the former, who proved as slippery as the ice he commanded. It was sufficient to say that relations between Jack and the other three Spirits of the Seasons, had turned decidedly sour during the last seventeen years. They resented the fact Jack was favoured by Mother Nature, despite him pointing out that it was only because he didn't treat her like dirt on a personal level. The result was that he was very unwelcome whenever he showed up in a place it wasn't his season, even if as far as the general work-rules went, he was within his rights to come north at this time.

Still dodging Oisin, who wasn't so much as trying to hurt him but rather just trying to drive him away, Jack skimmed over the tops of the trees and past the ridge which marked the edge of the valley and his territory. Once he'd done so, he then came to an immediate stop and perched on the tip of one of those trees.

Oisin also came to a halt, scowling.

"You are a disgrace, Jack Frost. You flaunt your lack of respect for the status-quo, and trample over the rights of the rest of us."

Jack rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Oh yeah, really? Winter may not 'officially' go into full swing for another month, but you and I both know that the Four Seasons overlap with each other a month each way at both the start and end transitions. There are places in the North of the World that have been getting snow for weeks because of how far north they are, just as there are places where the 'winter' I preside over never comes at all. But do you see me complaining when you, or Achieng, or Ariko sweep through somewhere 'out of season' when I'm doing my work? No." He jabbed a finger in Oisin's direction. "The balance calls for a colder than normal winter this year, which means that I have to make sure the temperature drops early. So quit your whining and let me get on with my work, you stumped-up arrogant git with a superiority complex!"

The Spirit of Autumn tensed, glowering at him.

"Don't push your luck, Frost."

Jack floated up into the air, and darted close to that he staring Oisin in the eye from just a few inches away. His eyes were narrowed.

"I'm not the one kicking up the fuss, you and the others are. You act like the Seasons are inviolate, separate, instead of one whole that shifts and flows depending on latitude, longitude, and altitude. You three have turned the system into a stilted and stagnant procession of weather, instead of a living and breathing harmony. If I show up early for my work in an area, it's because I'm needed by the balance. It is not some childish attempt to get on your nerves! If you worked with me, instead of against me, you'd know that."

The two of them glared at one another for several seconds more, until Oisin let out a sigh of exasperation and backed up a short way. He then folded his arms across his chest, frowning.

"Fine, let's say that you're right? How are we supposed to organise our work around each other, if we don't know in advance when to expect each other to show up?"

Jack shook his head in disdain.

"Please... If you bothered to use the winds to watch the world's weather, all the world's weather, all year round like I do, then you would know."

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