Rise of the Guardians 'Part 6'

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Alaia Skyhawk: Poor Jack (sniffles) :(

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 58: Rise of the Guardians ~Part 6~

Their arrival back at the Workshop was not one of triumph... It was not what the elves and yetis expected to see, when five Guardians returned where six had left. That the newest Guardian returned unconscious and was carried out of the sleigh by North, served as an additional shock and harbinger of bad news. And what news it was...

Sanderson Mansnoozie, the Guardian of Dreams, was gone.

North took Jack to a small guest room and laid him upon the bed, at which point Nightlight leapt up to perch on the headboard and watch over him. Just as he'd once done for an infant Tsar Lunar. The sight was somewhat reassuring, but at the same time it didn't quell the concerns in the Russian's heart.

"Will he be alright?"

Nightlight glanced down at the Spirit of Winter, and nodded.

'The Spirits of the Seasons, while they are used to wielding large amounts of power, are not used to building that power up so fast. Like the weather they shape, they raise the levels steadily and then maintain them. In that move against Pitch, Jack used too much power too quickly. Added to him being caught by the explosion of his own attack, he then passed out. This won't be the first time he's gone through this. It often happens to the Spirits of the Seasons, when a sudden shift in balance forces them to shape a lot of weather in a short space of time. He should wake up within an hour or two at most.'

North let out a sigh of relief, grateful for the explanation. Nightlight was technically a Nature Immortal, in that he didn't have many believers and his power was self-maintained. Most of his strength came from himself or the Man in the Moon directly, and it made sense that he'd be privy to the details of both kinds of Immortals.

"Then I will let the others know, and you can bring Jack to us when he wakes. We will be in front of the Globe for-" He choked back a sob and continued. "We will be there, holding memorial for Sandy."

Nightlight watched as North walked out and closed the door, having seen the tears in the Guardian's eyes. Never in all their battles against Pitch, had they lost one of their number. They had come close on occasion, but never had one of them died. This was a first for them all, and it hurt more than anything they'd ever known.

Nightlight bowed his head, a single tear of his own escaping his eyes to land on the pillow beside Jack's head. His glow dimming with sorrow before grim determination made it brighten again. To give up would mean to let Sandy's death be in vain, and that was something none of them would ever do. They would fight to the end, never letting themselves contemplate failure. They would do their duty as Guardians.

The sun was nearing zenith when at last Jack began to stir, his grasp still tight upon his staff which none of them had dared to try part him from. He opened his eyes blearily, blinking in confusion when he noticed the room and bed he was in. Then he saw Nightlight perched above him, and it all came rushing back.

Jack shot upright, a hand clenched to his chest. Deep inside, he could feel that half of his small number of believers had stopped believing, and he could also feel the 'drag' that was a connection between Guardians. A palpable sign that one of them, or in this case all of them, had lost a lot of believers.

Nightlight left his perch and moved to sit on the foot of the bed. His expression was determined, but there was still a bleakness in his eyes.

'A memorial for the Sandman is being held in the main workshop. Do you want to go?'

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