Dark Side

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Alaia Skyhawk: Prepare to have your minds blown :P

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 89: Dark Side

While the Guardians and their forces began to muster, Jack headed outside to the open area where he would make the ice mirrors to take them to the moon. He'd avoided opening portals to this particular destination, despite the temptation to do so, for the entirety of the past two weeks. But now he did, and with just a single backward glance he stepped through one of them.

On the other side, he turned to look up through the dome at the Earth. This place looked no different now than it did in the future. He might well have been home in his own time were it not for the pinprick of light heading this way. The stolen ship, which had been made by adding to the Lunar Lamadary's tower. Once this was over, and the ship reclaimed from Pitch, Jack had made Ombric promise he'd see it was dismantled and the original tower-ship returned to the Lunar Lamas... Where Jack knew it would be, in the future. With the modified ship gone, Pitch would not be able to steal or use it again.

"Hello, Jack."

Those quiet words, echoing softly within the vast dome, broke the Spirit of Winter from his thoughts. Causing him to turn and regard the man who stood nearby, watching him with a kind smile.

Tsar Lunar looked exactly as he did in the future, as he descended a set of stairs and walked over. He then circled the mirrors, touching them with a hand as if examining them, before facing Jack once more.

"This must be very strange for you, my Guardian." His smile widened a little. "But then, you are not my Guardian. Rather, you will be one day." There was a clatter of feet, Jack and the Tsar both turning to look as the rest of the Guardians came through the mirrors. Tsar Lunar inclined his head to them. "It is good to meet you in person at last. It is also good to see you, Aster and Sanderson, face-to-face after this so very long a time. I last was in a room with you two when I was but a child, and the shadow of the Nightmare King was just beginning to fall upon the Golden Age. But now, you are here to help stop him."

Jack approached them, holding out his hands.

"Give me the mirror for a moment. I've never been to the dark side of the moon, I can't make a portal to there, so I'd better do this now. I won't be able to follow you in the lunar transports."

Sanderson handed over the mirror, even as North frowned.

"Ombric has told us you plan to stay here and guard the Man in the Moon. Are you sure you will be all right?"

Jack took hold of the mirror, and smirked.

"Are you, Nicholas St. North, telling me you aren't a good enough fighter to keep the Fearlings away from this dome?" When the Russian gaped at that, Jack laughed. "I didn't think so. Now, how do I use this thing?"

Bunnymund came over and lay a paw on Jack's shoulder.

"Just look into it, and state your wish to protect us. Sanderson can take charge of activating and deactivating the stored power after that."

Jack nodded and took a deep breath. He then lifted the mirror, gazing into it at the reflection of himself that he saw there.

"I wish to keep everyone safe, to protect them from the Fear that would otherwise cause them to fail. Let my Fun and Laughter be the light that holds the darkness at bay."

The diamond stars in the frame shimmered, and for a brief moment Jack saw himself reflected as his brown-haired mortal self. The mirror itself then began to glow softly blue, and Bunnymund lifted it from his grasp to hand it back to Sanderson.

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