The Wait

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Alaia Skyhawk:

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 88: The Wait

There was a moderate amount of surprise from the residents of the Workshop, when the group and the sleigh arrived seemingly out of thin air at the clear area just outside the building's main doors. Jack's mirrors had saved a lot of time, in retrieving the fifth Relic and then returning to base. Whether or not that was a bonus, they wouldn't know for a while. But what was a bonus, was being able to sit down in the warm and relax as they discussed what to do next.

They went to the top floor, to where the massive hearth was, and settled around a table that the yetis quickly set up. Jack parked himself on one of the windowsills that were either side of the fire, conjuring and suspending what looked like a dozen or so palm-sized ice mirrors. He then closed his eyes and sat there, not sleeping because he was tapping his fingers on one knee, but certainly listening to what would be discussed at the table.

The others paused after he'd settled himself, not sure how to interpret him going off to the side. But then matters as important as what was at hand, meant they didn't watch for long before sitting and starting to talk.

All five Relics were laid out on the table. The sword of Tsar Lunanoff XI. The egg off Bunnymund's staff, which contained light from the beginning of time. Toothiana's ruby box, which held inside it one of the Man in the Moon's baby teeth. The Mirror of Wishing Stars, and lastly the pendant that had been in the keeping of that Native American village.

Ombric picked that one up, examining it before then sliding it across the table to Bunnymund.

"As you are our resident expert on all things from the Golden Age, can you tell us about that one? What is it called? What does it do?"

The Pooka caught it, adjusting his spectacles and tilting his head.

"Not much to say, really. The rest of the Relic's are unique, one of a kind, but there were many of these during the Golden Age. I suppose you could call them a 'badge of office'."

North looked puzzled, as did everyone else.

"For what?"

Bunnymund sighed.

"The head of each Constellation Family had one, and any new such family that was found would be made and given one as well. It allowed them to draw strength from any willing people or immortals that are in range. It could also be used to spread the burden of a fight across those people. That is what the spiral shape, which connects all the gems together, represents. The ties between those who have utmost trust in each other. Who will support each other no matter what."

He set the pendant down. "Its usefulness is directly linked to the level of trust between those it is used to connect. Pitch had several very tough fights against Constellation Families, because of these. He had to wear down every single member of those households, and all the immortals and friends that rushed to protect them, to defeat them. It was the only thing that ever seemed to slow his rampage down."

Jack's voice drifted over from the window, his eyes still closed.

"Sounds to me like you guys need to prepare an army while you have the chance. I can get as many as you want up to the moon, so there's no limit other than what you can recruit before we go. The yetis here are practically an army all by themselves."

The rest of them stared at him, Toothiana noting that the Spirit of Winter's hair was being stirred by wind from somewhere.

"What exactly are you doing over there?"

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