A Secret No More

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Alaia Skyhawk: Here it is, the conference!

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 64: A Secret No More

The four Guardians waited in the workshop, up by the globe, in silence. Despite sleeping for most of the past day and a half, it could not be denied that the after-effects of losing almost all their believers had been harsh. When they normally had millions, it didn't come as much of a surprise that they'd been hit so hard. It meant they were still very tired, and in Bunny's case borderline cranky at having to attend a conference so soon. Added to that, they were still waiting for Jack to arrive.

Sandy, having slept through most of the Blackout, was the most upbeat of them despite showing some small signs he was suffering too. But even his smile was slightly strained as he let out a silent sigh.

Tooth glanced at him.

"Yeah, I wonder what's keeping him, too. Do you think North or Bunny should go check on him?"

"There's no need." All four of them flinched, turning sharply to face the ivy portal that had appeared behind them. The male that Nature Fairy that fluttered there, seemed mildly bored. "He is already at the Sanctuary of Nature, in the Glade of Winter."

North blinked, starting to frown.

"He's not going to arrive with us?"

The fairy shrugged his shoulders.

"Mother Nature has decided that it would be best for him to arrive at the conference through his customary entrance. His status as a Guardian is not yet public knowledge to the vast majority of the Immortals. As it is, it is likely to raise more objections than voices in support."

It was Bunny's turn to frown.

"And why the heck is that?"

The fairy drifted over, folded his arms across his chest, and regarded them blandly. He clearly didn't relish being the one to give this message. Yet his expression now became less bored, and more serious.

"Mother Nature instructed me to explain this, before escorting you through, to prevent you causing more trouble for Jack than there stands to be at present... Jack is already the Spirit of Winter, which makes him the sixth most-powerful immortal involved with this world as his power currently stands. However, with the restriction on his Range of Belief now lifted, he can expect his power to increase over the coming years by the same amount as that which any one of you four possess."

North let out a whistle of awe, while Sandy blinked and both Bunny and Tooth began to stare. The implications were not lost on any of them.

"We Guardians are not much weaker than a Spirit of the Seasons, when we are at full strength. You saying Jack can expect his power to double?"

The fairly nodded.

"He will still be weaker than Mother Nature and Tsar Lunar, but he will eventually replace Ariko as the strongest Spirit of the Seasons instead of him being the weakest. There are many Legends who will resent that a Nature Immortal be handed so much extra power, even if that power comes from him earning it."

Tooth winced at that, grimacing.

"Yes, I can think of a few like that." She sighed. "So, since we're now Jack's colleagues, Mother Nature wanted to give us a heads-up?"

The fairy rolled his eyes at the modern terminology. He and his kind, having been isolated in the Sanctuary of Nature for so long, tended to be a bit stuffy and formal in their use of language.

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