Farewell to a Founder

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Alaia Skyhawk: Next chapter was going to be this chapter, until I realised I'd almost forgotten something very important that I wanted to cover. You can probably guess what it is, from the title.

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.

And a shout-out to VanRah on Deviantart, for letting me use their awesome picture of Jack Frost as the new cover for this story! Seriously, go check out their page!


Chapter 37: Farewell to a Founder

They day started out just like any other day during Southern Winter, with Jack being woken from one of his almost daily naps by the sounds of the chimes behind the wall, which displayed a date for early August 1851.

He floated up out of his snow-bed just as he always did, and walked over to the chair by the Ice Mirror. He didn't watch the town as much as he'd used to,and as much as he cared about Burgess and the people in it, he'd reached a stage in his immortality where he wanted to do other things. That spending more than the occasional hour here and there to watch a little of Burgess' days, instead of entertaining him, would only irritate him.

So he stopped watching so much during Southern Winter, and instead looked forward to being there in person for Northern Winter.

But that wasn't to say he didn't check in regularly with his family. One thing he always did at least twice a week, was check the high-shelf in the main living room of the family's current main house. That was where letters were left for him these days, high enough up that he could take them even when there were guests in the house. All he had to do was set the mirror to line up with the end of the shelf, and slide the letter towards him without picking it up.

Today there was no letter, just a small note. A fact that was unusual enough to make him frown as he carefully pulled it along the shelf until it came through the mirror.

When he opened it, he stared for a moment and his eyes widened, before he was then dashing out of the sanctuary so fast that he left several windswept and startled Winter Sprites in his wake.

Rising up towards the far upper airways, Jack then called out.

"Winds, tell me where Achieng is!"

It took almost a minute before one strand of wind answered, to say that the Spirit of Summer was currently near Greece. Jack didn't need to hear anymore, as he had the winds catapult him into the upper airways to reach his top flight-speed.

When he'd passed over the Mediterranean Sea, only then did he descend, and even then only to the unseen threshold of utter cold that the other Spirits of the Seasons could not cross. He then asked the winds to find her, and tell her he urgently wanted to speak with her.

When she arrived an hour or so later, she was frowning in mild annoyance. Something that was reflected in her tone of voice.

"What are you doing here, Frost? You've no business being in places where Summer holds dominance. Your season is in the South of the World at this time."

Jack drifted down, his expression solemn.

"I wanted to ask a favour. Read this, and you'll understand."

He held out the note, which she cautiously accepted. She then blinked with surprise upon reading the contents, and handed it back.

"So a man by the name of Thaddeus, who lives in your valley, is dying. What favour from me, could possibly have any relevance to that?"

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