A Family Tie is Made

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Alaia Skyhawk: Major plot reveal in this one, sort of. Hehehe, you guys are going to like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 8: A Family Tie is Made

Jack peered through the gap in the shutters, choking on the spear of terror that ran through him. He'd watched as the rest of those first seven children to believe in Jack Frost, had grown up and forgotten him. Emily was the last of the original group, and he couldn't help the fear that this change in her life had made her forget him as well. For none of the rest of those youngsters had believed past the age of fourteen, and Emily was now seventeen.

His denial set the wind rattling the shutters, causing Emily to turn and open one slightly to look out into the dusk light. She saw that it had started to snow, the first snow of winter, before she closed it again and turned to her husband.

"Albert, I'm just going outside to bring some more wood in. It looks like it's going to be a cold night tonight. It's snowing."

Albert glanced at her from where he worked on mending a plough harness, and nodded.

"Be careful you don't slip. We don't want you hurting yourself."

Emily smiled softly at that, and headed out the door. She then walked around to the back of the cabin, and called out quietly.


With a rush of relief, Jack swooped down to land in front of her before hugging her tight. Clinging to her, almost.

"I.. I thought for a moment that..."

Emily held him comfortingly, as if she were the elder of the two of them and not the other way around.

"Don't worry, I could never forget my brother. I could never stop believing in you, and I'm going to make sure my child will never forget you either. All my children, and grandchildren. On and on, through every generation from now on. Your family will never forget you."

Jack stared at her in dawning realisation.

"Emily, you're?"

She smiled, and put a hand to a stomach which was just beginning to round.

"Going to be a mother. The child will be born in late spring, if you think you can stay that long."

Jack's fear had turned to elation, and he looked as eager as a child.

"I'll stay even if it means Ariko yelling at me! So long as I don't leave later than one week before Southern Winter is due, there won't be a problem." He glanced towards the house. "On another matter... You married Albert?"

Emily put her hands on her hips.

"Albert Bennett is an upstanding member of this village, and the brother of my best friend. Why shouldn't I marry him?"

Jack raised an eyebrow in mirth.

"Because he's a bit stiff? Any stiffer, and people will think he walks around with a broom-handle up his-"


At Emily's reprimand, Jack's expression became the picture of innocence as he twirled his staff in one hand. He then glanced at her, grinning unrepentantly until she too began to smile at his teasing.

"Emily, are you all right?"

The moment was broken by Albert's concerned call, and Emily frowned.

"I'll be right there." She turned to Jack, sighing. "I should go back inside."

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