A Christmas to Remember

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Alaia Skyhawk: I'm not sick or dead lol. I've just slowed the updates down again now that I've hit 50k words for NaNoWriMo. Those two weeks I was updating every day, I pretty much had no life outside of writing. Hence I've eased back a bit now so I can do other things too :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 92: A Christmas to Remember

A head of white hair peered around the corner of the passage, blue eyes checking down the wood-panelled hallway for a certain furry figure. You could be forgiven for thinking this was December, and that Jack was 'Sneaking into Santa's Workshop' as per the usual annual routine... Except that it was the 22nd October and every time he spotted a yeti other than Phil, he ceased his lurking and strolled along the hallways as if at the Workshop just for a casual visit.

Nope, he was here for something entirely different.

Jack continued his search of the building, giving a passing nod and sly grin to North when he chanced by the Russian. It was a grin that North returned, before discretely pointing towards the nearest set of stairs.

"He's down near reindeer stables. I made sure he be easy to find today."

Jack chuckled and winked.

"Why that's very considerate of you, North. Would you also be open to giving him the rest of the day off? I have an invitation for him."

North nodded almost solemnly, but his eyes were glinting with mirth.

"Phil is good worker, so of course he can have rest of day off. You can tell him he has my permission to go."


Jack strolled onwards, still chuckling. North had come back home yesterday with the agreement to act like nothing was going on. The aim being to leave Phil without the slightest hint as to the prank about to take place. With North's directions, finding Phil wasn't difficult. The yeti was sweeping the hallway near the stables, and in the pause before approaching him, Jack for once really looked at him.

It was hard to tell how old a yeti was just by looking, unless you knew exactly what to look for. Grey fur wasn't an indicator, and so the only way to get a hint was to look at the yeti's fingers. Because that was the only place clear of fur, where the wrinkles of advancing age would be visible.

Phil's hands were showing those signs of age. Not so much as to say he was elderly, but certainly enough to show he was of advanced years. Jamie had been right, when he pointed out that Phil wasn't so young anymore.

Jack sighed softly to himself and then started to smile. Before the day was over, old age wasn't going to be a problem for Phil anymore.

The Spirit of Winter flew down the passage towards him, acting as though he'd only just spotted him in this search and not watched him for over a minute.

"Phil! There you are!" He landed beside the yeti. "You have my even greater respect for finding and out-witting me so fast every year. When it's my turn to try to find you, it takes me over an hour!"

Phil set aside his broom, murmuring a query, and Jack grinned as he pulled a square of paper out of his hoodie's pocket.

"It's Jamie's twentieth birthday today, and he's invited you to come. Plus the kids at Santoff Claussen really want to meet 'Phil the Yeti'. I've been telling them a few of the stories. Will you come? I've already asked North, and he's fine with you having the rest of the day off."

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