A Viking Introduction

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Alaia Skyhawk: Told you the update would be quick :P

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 105: A Viking Introduction

The trio continued to plummet through the air, seconds ticking by as the island and ocean below came ever closer as the moments passed. While Toothless seemed only mildly confused by this odd boy who had appeared from nowhere, Hiccup at least took a little longer before his brain started working again.

His eyes went wide and he looked around frantically.

"Where's your dragon?" He looked around again, seeing no other flying reptile in sight. "Um, ok... D-don't panic. Me and Toothless will get you down safely."

With a practised twist of his body, Hiccup veered towards his dragon and secured himself back in the saddle. The pair of them then turning so that Toothless could reach out and take hold of the white-haired man.

Jack watched the whole manoeuvre with a smile on his face. Waiting until the exact moment the Night Fury would have took hold of him, before proverbially 'slamming on the brakes' and coming to an instant stop upside-down in mid-air. The dragon and Viking, under the influence of both gravity and momentum, naturally kept going. Thereby one moment he was in front of them, and the next he was not.

Down below, Hiccup let out a yell of surprise. Bringing Toothless out of the dive and once more looking around frantically. Had they both imagined the young man? If not, then where had he gone?

He then yelped again when said young man came gliding up alongside, facing upwards with his hands looped casually behind his head. The white-haired fellow then chuckled.

"No worries, I can fly on my own."

Hiccup gaped.

"You can fly?"

Jack kept grinning.

"Didn't I just say that?"

Hiccup now began to wave his arms in what could be interpreted either as excitement or his thinking processes suffering a meltdown.

"You... can FLY!"

Jack glanced down at the empty air below him, then raised his eyebrows at the young Viking.

"Uhh, I think we've established that already."

The dragon shook his head, slapping Hiccup with an 'ear'. Though it only reduced the babbling by a small margin.

"H-how are you doing that?!"

Jack flipped over so he was upright, bringing fingers to his lips to whistle loudly before answering.

"Riding the wind. It's not hard, least not for me. It's a perk of being the Spirit of Winter."

Hiccup returned to gaping.

"Spirit of Winter? ...As in THE Spirit of Winter?"

Jack nodded, even as a draconic shadow passed over them. A grey and white dragon easily four times the size of Toothless then flew into position alongside. The Spirit of Winter flying to him and setting upon its back with casual grace.

"You have somewhere we can talk for a bit? Rather than up here? Because I get the feeling that if I say much more, you're going to fall off your dragon in shock."

Hiccup gulped several times, awed by both spirit and dragon, and then nodded dumbly. He sent Toothless banking downwards and towards the forest beyond the village that was his home. Leading his esteemed visitor to the sunken pond where the friendship between a young boy and a downed dragon had been formed.

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