Getting a Measure

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Alaia Skyhawk: Here's the next one!

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 118: Getting a Measure

It was with great reluctance that the children said their farewells, when midday came and their parents began to collect them one-by-one. It was equally bitter-sweet for Jack as he watched the last few head off for the noon meal with their families. This might not be Earth, and these might not be 'his' children, but a part of him felt almost guilty that he wouldn't be able to stay and help all the children of Lumeris.

No, they'd need their own Guardian of Fun for that. And as much as he'd enjoyed the morning with them, he knew it would be best not to repeat it. It wouldn't be right to 'trespass' on what would be their Guardian's role. He didn't want the give the children expectations about what theirs would be like. That wouldn't be fair for their Guardian of Fun, when the time came that they had one.

Jack let out a sight, looking around until his eye caught a glimpse of the nearby monument. At that point he winced, remembering the others, and darted over. They weren't there now, meaning they'd continued the tour without him. So much for that.


Jack looked around again, trying to decide what to do. While he could fly back to the Citadel, perhaps he could give himself a 'tour' of his own on foot. However before he did that, he needed to do one thing.

He unfastened the moonsilver G snowflake that fastened his cloak, and reversed the clasp so that it was hidden inside the garment against the hoodie underneath. That done, with all the weird and wonderful array of hair styles, colours, and clothing among the people of the city... Even barefoot and in ragged trousers he didn't particularly stand out thanks to his cloak. And the announcement of his and Bunny's visit to the planet, hadn't contained a description of them. If he didn't make a big deal of who he was, he could walk about without anyone nearby being the wiser as to his identity.

If was with a sense of mischief and adventure that he set off back towards the Citadel, guided by an ecstatic little breeze that was now the subject of much envy from the other nearby winds. All along the way, with every shop and market he passed, Jack resolved to ask one of the Tsars for some local stone to carve with. If he made a few little curios, he could trade them for some souvenirs. Sure he could ask the Tsars outright for the money to buy things, but he didn't want to. No doubt they'd want to give gifts to him, Jamie, and Tsar Lunar before they went home, so he'd just ask for stone.

Jack grinned to himself at the thought... What would they make of that request?

It took him a little over two hours to walk back to the Citadel, as cheered by his explorations as he was also solemnly reminded. That despite the buoyed feelings of the people, in the wake of the good news from Tsar Lunar, the mental scars from the years of fear would be a while in fading. They showed still, in the little ways such as glancing at nearby shadows or the occasional pause as if to listen for something lurking nearby. They needed immortals, and he knew he had a whole load of candidates waiting for him to see if they were up to the task.

He got several salutes from the gate guards when he arrived back at the Citadel, but despite being back with people who knew who he was, Jack continued to keep his moonsilver clasp hidden. A quick query to a conjured puff of air once he was inside, got him directions to the wing of the building where the candidates were staying. One hundred people, twenty from each of the five home worlds of the five local Constellations. Each Tsar had picked ten for each of the two groups Father Time had told them to bring.

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