A Momentous Revalation

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Alaia Skyhawk: Here's the next bit :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 114: A Momentous Revelation

Wyatt and the others stood in tense and confused silence, alternating between looking at each other and glancing at the Constellation close by. Tsar Lunar hadn't moved at all during the past ten minutes, instead he'd continued to smile in contented patience as he waited.

He might have been completely relaxed about this, but his guests were starting to fidget. It was all and well then, that just after the ten minutes were past there came the sound of many footsteps.

All of them turned to see the crowd of people coming through one of the mirrors, one of whom causing the visitors' eyes to widen. Because he was also wearing the pendant and robes of a Constellation.

Tsar Lunar gestured towards him.

"Allow me to introduce you to James Bennett; Tsar Solus I."

Jakub let out a breath of awe.

"A new Constellation."

Jamie walked forward of the rest of the group, Sophie on his right, and Allienne holding his arm on the left. Outwardly he showed none of the nerves that were tying his insides into knots.

"Welcome to Planet Earth. This is my wife, Allienne, and this is my sister, Sophie."

Sophie smiled and curtseyed.

"I'm formally know as Sophia, the Guardian of Harmony. The immortal my brother created, which marked his ascension as a Constellation." She turned to face the rest of the immortals present. "And these are the Earth's Guardians of Childhood and Spirits of the Seasons."

At that moment Bunny eased his way to the front and into view. He was grinning like an idiot, and there were tears of joy in his eyes when he saw who one of the two other Pookas were.

"Hey there, Wyatt... Long time, no see."

Wyatt exclaimed in shock.


Bunny laughed and started towards him.

"You bet it is, mate!"

The two slammed into each other in an enthusiastic hug of joy, and in that moment the weight of years vanished from the weary and war-burdened Wyatt.

"You're alive! Those of us kept back by Father Time, we all thought you were dead!"

Bunny let go of him, on the point of babbling in a similarly elated fashion as he clapped him on the shoulder.

"Well I've spent fifteen thousand years believing you were all dead, and that I was the last Pooka alive. Found out twenty years ago that I wasn't, when Tsar Lunar sent off that message."

Both of them were overcome with happy-tears right now, Ariko, Achieng, Allienne,Tooth, and Sophie were all dabbing at their eyes, and even North was discretely looking through his pockets for a handkerchief.

Wyatt, composing himself somewhat, now pointed out the other Pooka with him.

"This is Jakub S Verdenfell. One of the young'uns born after the Fall. Jakub, this is E. Aster Bunnymund. The Pooka who found a place for the Moon Clipper to hide in secret, then led Tsar Lunar XI to it. He's the only one other than the Tsar who knew the coordinates."

Bunny sighed.

"Fat lot of good it did, but it all turned out for the best in the end. It's great to meet ya."

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