Simple Proof is the Best

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Alaia Skyhawk:

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 78: Simple Proof is the Best

"I want to come to conference too."


"Why not?"

"Because it's bad enough having 'Jack Frost' and the 'Easter Bunny' at it, without 'Santa Claus' tagging along for the ride."

Jack stood waiting, in just his hoodie and not his cloak as well, by the mirror he'd created to the street outside the building where the conference was about to take place. The Spirit of Winter watching with amusement, the little argument taking place between North and Bunny.

The Guardians were assembled at North's Workshop, so that they could hold their own meeting immediately after the conference was finished for today. There was an emphasis on 'today', because it had been set up to run for three. Director Branspeth had been adamant that something like this would take at least three to talk through fully, to any reasonable degree. There could be no short-cuts.

As Bunny and North continued their 'debate', Jack rolled his eyes and glanced over at Sandy. The little golden man grinning as he read the symbols Jack wrote with frostdust.

'I'm gonna go get Marcia to let me in, and set the mirror to inside the building instead of out in the street.'

'Go ahead. I don't think those two will stop any time soon.'

At Sandy's reply, Jack grinned and went through his mirror, while in the meantime Sandy became the new main spectator for North and Bunny. In fact the debate continued for the next five minutes, and was still going at full pace when the image on Jack's mirror changed to show a hallway, and he came through it.

He took one resigned look at the still-arguing pair, before he iced the floor between the mirror and Bunny's feet, and then grabbed the startled Pooka by the ears and sent him skidding along that ice and through the portal.

North was left stood there, silenced in mid-sentence, as Jack followed Bunny and the mirror vanished. The Russian couldn't follow, seeing as he didn't know where the conference was taking place, and thus Jack ended the debate in the most simple way possible.

Inside the building where the conference was taking place, Bunny lay sprawled on the floor in front of a giggling Marcia. The Pooka scrambling to his feet to glare at Jack, until he noticed what was 'blessed silence' by comparison to where he'd been moments before.

He then coughed into a paw, pointedly not looking at his fellow Guardian.

"Uh, thanks."

"Don't mention it."

While Jack smirked, and Bunny remained embarrassed, Marcia rescued the Pooka by tapping him on the arm to get his attention.

"Everything has been set up as you suggested. You two can take your seats in the main hall. The invitees will be ready shortly."

Bunny nodded, quickly straightening up his fur before he gestured for her to lead the way.

"Let's go then."

Jack fell into step behind them, for the short walk to the spacious auditorium that had been prepared. Tiered seating had been marked up to show where various research groups would be sitting, and two tables had been set up on the stage. A larger one, with place-settings for Director Branspeth, Marcia, and Marcus. And a smaller one, which was utterly surrounded by a huge array of equipment, all of which was intended to prove what was sitting at it.

Secret of Frost and MoonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora