Naughty List

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Alaia Skyhawk: And the rest of the Guardians make their appearance! WOO!

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 13: Naughty List

The lights rippled outwards from their source, casting across the skies like waves. If the people below had been able to see them, they could be forgiven for mistaking them for the northern lights. But the northern lights would never be seen so far south, and in fact the glowing signal would eventually reach as far as Antarctica. For that was what it was, a signal that only the Immortals could see, and which was directed at a very specific group of them.

The first of that group was now homing in on the signal's source, a workshop built upon the side of a mountain in the Arctic, close to the North Pole. It was the home of North, the youngest of the Guardians, and it was the second oldest of them that flew in through the open top of the domed structure at the complex peak.

Toothiana darted past the massive globe that sat under the dome, which displayed the entire world covered with uncountable millions of glimmering lights. Each light was a child, one that believed in at least one of the Guardians. When she reached the viewing level next to the globe, where a massive hearth heated the chamber, she perched herself on a ledge after noting North was on one of the lower levels under the globe, where dozens of yetis were hard at work making and wrapping toys.

North was striding among them, urging them to keep up the pace, and it wasn't surprising. It was a little under four weeks until Christmas, which made his summons of the other Guardians all the more unusual. This was his busiest month of the year.

Tooth frowned a little, the feathers on her head fluffing out before she shook it. She had three of her fairies with her, and through them she could continue to relay tooth locations back to the thousands of other fairies passing through the Tooth Palace. She did so, idly taking this moment to check the rest of the feathers that covered her entirely, didn't have any that were sticking out at odd angles. For while she had wings somewhat like the stereotypical image of a fairy, that was where all resemblance to what humans generally pictured her as like, ended.

She was not a flaxen-haired maiden with wings like a dragonfly, who wore a dress made of silk and flowers. Her many segmented wings were pointed, not rounded, and had sharp edges she could used to great effect in a fight... But for her hands and face, she also happened to be covered from head to toe in iridescent blue feathers, which changed to green then gold around her neck, before becoming blue and green around her face. She had a single prominent golden plume reaching from her forehead, which folded against the trailing golden tips of the other long blue feathers which gave her the appearance of wearing a headdress.

In short, she looked like a cross between a hummingbird and a very pretty lady, with wings that were made up of several pointed segments on each side, not that you could tell when she was flying, since the individual blades of her wings blended together into one blur.

She was still rattling off tooth locations while she took this chance to give her obviously immaculate wings a check over anyway, when she heard a door on the lowermost level of the building open and then slam shut. That was then followed by the distinct grumbling of a certain 'Easter Bunny' in his distinct accent.

E. Aster Bunnymund, or Bunny as he was now nicknamed thanks to North persistently calling him 'Bunny Man' until the Pooka had given up and agreed to the compromise, came up in one of the wooden contraptions that ran on rails between the various levels. When he arrived at the top floor, he then went straight over to the fireplace to warm up his feet.

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