Letter from the Heart

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Alaia Skyhawk: Had a busy couple of days, but made sure to get this done as soon as possible. Since yes, I was a bit mean with that cliffhanger lol :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 95: Letter from the Heart

When he'd told Marcia that the families of the fifteen Lieutenants would go public eventually about being related to an immortal, never had it occured to him to consider the same of the Bennetts. Not only that, but never would he have considered that they'd do so without speaking to him first.

Jack dashed to the Bennett House and in through the back door, discovering that no one was there. With it being almost half-an-hour since the original broadcast, that meant they were still at the museum and still talking to the Press. Which under the circumstances he really wished wasn't the case.

He left the house, flying towards the centre of town and groaning when he saw the mob of reporters and photographers outside the museum. They were milling around, kept away from the doors by the two police officers that stood the other side of the rope barriers around the entrance. But a glimpse through the glass of those doors once Jack landed next to them, revealed that a select few reporters were inside doing interviews much to the frustration of those stuck outside.

Jack bypassed the door with a mirror, rather than have the police officers freak out when it opened. Once inside he approached the small and rather orderly gathering within, stopping once he was in view of David to regard the old man with a distinctly displeased expression.

David glanced up at the movement, pausing mid-answer with a smile.

"Ah, Uncle Jack. Good of you to come."

The reporters all gasped and turned, although only about two thirds of them could actually see the Spirit of Winter. Jack's frown silenced most questions they might have asked, and his tone as he spoke silenced the rest.

"Nephew, might I have a word with you in private for a few minutes?"

David eased round the reporters, pointing towards the entrance to one of the exhibits.

"We can go in there and close the door." He glanced at the reporters and pointed to the door of the classroom suite. "I shall be back shortly. If you go in there, there are refreshments on one of the tables."

Jack followed him into the exhibit, let him close the door, and then tugged him through an ice mirror into one of the deepest and remotest parts of the Winter Sanctuary before closing it. Allowing him to use the full volume needed to express his opinion on this matter.

"Are you completely and utterly CRAZY?!"

David raised whitened eyebrows beneath equally greying hair, seemingly unfazed by the minus ten Celsius chill of the little cavern in which they stood. He sounded almost like a grandfather trying to encourage a grandchild not to continue with their screaming temper tantrum.

"You knew we wouldn't continue to hide forever. Not with the world changing as it is."

Jack scowled at the man's tone of voice, more than a little upset.

"You didn't even tell me in person! I found out from watching a news-feed! If you had this planned, you could have told me days ago!"

David sighed.

"So you could spend those days ranting and flailing in an attempt to make us keep quiet?" He reached out to place a hand on Jack's shoulder, the Spirit of Winter twitching as if to resist the urge to slap that hand away. "We timed this deliberately. Within another hour, those reporters will receive calls from their employers. A call about the existence of fifteen more similarly connected families, who I believe you just reunited with the fifteen Lieutenants of yours you took to see them."

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