Rise of the Guardians 'Part 7'

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Alaia Skyhawk: It's the Missing Saturday! Woo!

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 59: Rise of the Guardians ~Part 7~

Jack pulled Tooth through the mirror into the Winter Sanctuary's entrance passage, Baby Tooth following, and paused a moment to raise the temperature as close to zero as he could. Even so the two of them shivered a little, feathers fluffing out sightly in order to help stay warm. It was the first time they'd ever been here, when in truth they'd never expected to, and yet that was before Tooth had learnt Jack was a Guardian.

As Jack led her into the main cavern, and she stopped at the threshold in awe when she saw how beautiful it was, it was like another of the veils of misconception she'd had about him all these years was lifted away. Yes, the Sanctuary was cold, but only in terms of temperature. In everything else it had been shaped with the warmth of friendship and family, and it showed in the way the Winter Sprites ran around playing games with each other.

The three of them soon reached the plaza in front of the Ice Palace, and it was there that Tooth tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.

"You said we had work to do. No offence, but what could we do from here?"

Jack gave her a wry glance before he whistled softly to a nearby sprite. As soon as the little creature snapped to attention, he spoke to it.

"Bring Yuki and Dig here." He raised his voice when the sprite dashed away, this time speaking to them all. "I need all of you to sweep the snow back from as much of the cavern floor as you can, then assemble here. I need you to a lot of drawing for me."

The sprites erupted into a mass of activity, forming into bands as impromptu snow-ploughs while Tooth frowned in confusion.


Jack crouched, running a hand over the ice under his feet. Using a finger, he then began to trace an outline upon it.

"I've make frost constructs for a long time, to entertain the kids in Burgess. They're fragile things, only lasting a few minutes. But if I combine frostdust with a core of ice, they become stable enough to last for days if I maintain power to them." He held his hand out over his drawing, the lines too faint to make out by eye alone. "Dawn has already reached Japan, and it'll soon start crossing China. A fifth of the world's population lives there, that means a fifth of the kids, and we can't afford to lose any more believers due to teeth not being collected. We already missed most of North America because of-"

He stopped at that, Tooth's expression changing to one of similar pain before she fluttered closer.

"I know the teeth need to be collected. But without Sandy, and with Bunny concentrating on Easter, we have to protect the Warren for now. I can't collect all those teeth alone, and if I tried then Pitch's Nightmares would come after me."

Jack nodded solemnly in agreement with that, before a small smile started to show.

"And that's why we're here. Because the walls of my Sanctuary are saturated with frostdust; something I did as a precaution to keep Pitch out. That makes them a perfect medium to make a lot of Frost Golems at short notice."

He twitched his hand above the drawing, and in response a thin layer of glimmering ice rose in the shape of the outline and expanded from two dimensions to three. It then came to life, a perfect icy replica of a Tooth Fairy, and it fluttered up to Tooth and stopped in front of her waiting for instructions.

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