Rise of the Guardian 'Part 9'

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Alaia Skyhawk: Here it is! Part 9!

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 61: Rise of the Guardians ~Part 9~

A small hand strained towards the gutter, reaching for the tantalising glimpse of a colourful rounded shape that sat there. Beneath the boy to whom the hand belonged, the tall step-ladder wobbled. But for a youth who had climbed and played in the massive oak trees around Santoff Claussen, the height held no fear. A distance as small as this was, to him, could be cushioned by the power of belief should he fall.

Jamie kept reaching, his fingers just passing over the edge of the gutter to touch the possible-egg, while below him his friends watched with a mixture of concern and weak anticipation. They'd been hunting for eggs for hours, but hadn't found any. They'd woken to an intense feeling of happiness, that spurred them out into the sunshine as soon as their parents would let them go, but in turn that glee had become crushing disappointment. It was only Jamie's persistence that had kept them going this long.

Jamie started to smile, his fingers almost to the glimpse of colour, when the ladder's wobbling finally got too much and it tipped. He cried out in surprise, grabbing the edge of the gutter, and as the ladded fell from beneath him the gutter sagged with his weight and he lost his grip.

He closed his eyes, 'fall like a leaf' running over and over through his mind, and he hit the ground with only a moderate thump. Of course his friends didn't know he knew he wouldn't be hurt, and they rushed to his side.

"Are you ok!"


Jamie opened his eyes, in time to see a purple and pink tennis-ball drop from the damaged gutter and bounce along the ground beside him. He frowned, got up, and brushed himself off before picking up his basket in determination.

"Let's check the park again."

He reached the gate of his backyard, but stopped when he noticed his friends weren't following. All of them looked depressed, miserable, without hope. But by far the most affected were Claude and Caleb.

"Really? Again?"

"For what, the Easter Bunny?"

Jamie went back to them, waving an arm in emphasis.

"Guys, I told you. I saw him! He's as big as Jack Frost says he is, and he's got these cool boomerang things-"

"Grow up, Jamie."

Caleb's interruption was blunt and harsh, and his brothers added comment was laced with sarcasm.

"Ah man, seriously. You know that Jack Frost isn't real."

Pippa, Monty, and Cupcake nodded in agreement with the twins, leaving Jamie unable to do anything but stare at them in confusion.

"What's happened to you guys?"

Caleb sighed, downcast.

"It was a dream. You should be happy you still get dreams like that."

Pippa picked up the ball and tossed it into Jamie's basket.

"Forget it, Jamie. There's just no Easter this year."

All five of them turned and left the yard, ignoring Jamie as he called out after them.

"He really is real! Jack too!" The gate clattered shut, leaving him alone, and Jamie put down his basket. He then cupped his hands to his mouth, murmured a spell, and blew into them. His gaze settling determinedly on the ball of light that was the result. "They're real. I know they're real."

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