Present and Present

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Alaia Skyhawk: Warning, spoilers for Book 4 of the Guardians of Childhood are contained in this chapter :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 83: Present and Past

The Man in the Moon watched, as he always did. Waiting, as he always had for one thing or another. But one of the things he waited for now, was to see something he remembered seeing. And even as the thought of it crossed his mind, he saw it at last... A signal that two ends fated to meet, had at last lined up as he remembered they would.

Tsar Lunar smiled, and even chuckled at that which he saw, for it was certainly memorable. There was no mistaking it, and his assessment was confirmed by the figure and presence that appeared at his shoulder. An old, kindly yet stern voice, like the sound of ages, murmuring for only him to hear.

"I will deliver the message. How he reacts, before and after, will remain to be seen."

Tsar Lunar nodded, his smile widening just a little.

"Indeed, it will be interesting to see how all of them react. Once he returns, and they themselves remember."


"Jack, there you are! You're late for annual meeting!"

At North's booming remark, Jack pulled the hood of his hoodie down further over his face. Over behind North, Bunny was trying and failing to hide laughter. Something that got him a snowball the size of a yeti's head, thrown at him with unavoidable accuracy.

North, Sandy, and Tooth all stared, between the hooded Jack and the spluttering Bunny. It was the Russian who found his voice first.

"What was that about?"

Jack sighed as he landed, glad that now, at a little over a year since his 'Glacial Anomaly' stunt, meetings with mortals had petered out for the time being. Because he had no idea how long this was going to take to fix.

He glared at Bunny.

"Someone thought it would be funny, to rope my niece into helping him with a prank. She waited until I'd dozed off on the couch waiting for the Lights, after asking her mother to invite me to breakfast this morning... Lucky for you, Bunny, she only got a little bit done before her giggling woke me up."

Jack pushed back his hood, Tooth immediately bursting into laughter which she then hastily tried to cover up, while North and Sandy both raised their eyebrows. Because the front part of Jack's hair, just a few finger-widths worth, had been dyed bright blue.

As even North and Sandy now began to succumb to chuckles, Bunny got back to his feet and brushed off the last few bits of snow.

"Aww, come on, Jack. It was just a bit of fun."

Jack's eyes narrowed.

"Blue wasn't the only colour of dye she had. If she'd used the pink first, you'd be an ice-cube right now." He tugged at the lock of blue hair. "How long does this take to wear off or wash out?"

Bunny cleared his throat, averting his eyes.

"About two months."

"What?! Now that is IT!"

Jack made a dive at Bunny, who frantically bounded out of the path of the annoyed Spirit of Winter. The two of them catapulting themselves around the room, knocking several pieces of furniture over in the process.

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