Questions and Sightseeing

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Alaia Skyhawk: Here's the next one. HAPPY EASTER! :D

Also, while I've not said as much before now, each of the five Constellations from the Allegiance are not the founders of their families. Also, while I did explain it once (waaaaaaay back) I'll explain it again here since the question came up in the reviews. The child of a Constellation will also be a Constellation, because the instinctive knowledge for it imprints to successive generations. That's why such families restrict the number of children they'll have, because otherwise there would be a LOT of Constellations hanging about the place. The five on Lumeris kept to that tradition, despite being the only five when once there were a hundred, because if you can't create immortals then what point is there in spreading out large families of 'useless' Constellations? Chances are, now, they'll each have two or three children in the next generation to give a boost to the numbers. Eldest child would inherit the original title, while the other two would start brand new lineages with new titles.

And lastly, since someone is likely to ask, the full titles of the five are this. When you see some of them, you'll understand why I simplify them in the same way "Tsar Lunar XII" is just "Tsar Lunar" most of the time. I only use the full title when the scene also refers to his father/differentiates him from his father.

Tsar Gallus XXXII (Thirty-Second)

Tsar Vespa XXVII (Twenty-Seventh)

Tsar Apis XXI (Twenty-First)

Tsarina Anser XVI (Sixteenth)

Tsar Noctua IX (Ninth)

Yeah, adding the numerals every time would be a PAIN!

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 117: Questions and Sightseeing

The cosy room echoed softly with the sounds of intermittent giggles, the source of which was the Spirit of Winter curled up in an armchair. Across from him a certain Easter Bunny was also struggling to keep a straight face, because at this particular time the new believers were coming in so thick and fast that it wasn't like being kicked, but rather incessantly tickled. Both were a bit drunk on good-will and cheer, much like after the final battle of the Easter Fiasco when all the children had started believing again... Except this time they weren't also stoked up on adrenaline to dampen down the effect.

In simple terms, it was likely neither would be composed enough to hold a conversation until the coming morning.

In the room next door, where the sound of Jack's chuckles didn't reach, Jamie stood at the window gazing out at the city in wonder. In the distance could be heard the sounds of celebration, and every fantastical flying carriage in the sky was festooned with trailing ribbons and bunting. Fireworks of equally fantastical shapes exploded in the air every so often, and the horizon of the darkening sky was transforming into the veil of shifting light unique to Lumeris. Like a crown of light to hold up the stars.

Also in the room were Tsar Gallus and Tsar Vespa. The other Constellations had gone to bed, including Tsar Lunar who had retreated to allow some of the almost worshipful awe from them to die down. But just as Jamie stared at the city with awe, so did the two Tsars in the room stare at him.

Tsar Vespa, after some fifteen minutes of awkward silence, at last tentatively cleared his throat before speaking.

"Is it true, that you can create immortals just as Tsar Lunar does?"

Jamie turned from the window and came over with a sigh. He wasn't surprised to be asked, but just surprised at how long it had taken for these other Constellations to ask it. All five of them, as the current generation of their respective lines, were over a hundred years old. Each was easily more than three times his own age, and yet in certain ways they were so hesitant they could have been inexperienced children.

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