Gleam in the Dark

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Alaia Skyhawk: I considered dwelling more on the intermediate development of the World Council, except it would have been like the science conferences all over again. I skipped it for a far more anticipated part of the plot. Enjoy :)

Oh, and I did the picture of Solaris. I've put it as my FFnet avatar, so you can see the 200x200 view of it on my profile page (Note, it may or may not have updated yet, and still show the sprite with the cookie. But it will update after a while)

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes.


Chapter 112: Gleam in the Dark

Onwards it drifted through the silent void of space. Its metal pitted by the passage of the years and the stray dust it had encountered during its long journey. But still the golden cylinder gleamed in the light of the star it was approaching. On towards people who knew not that its message was soon to arrive.


The city was bustling as always, and its streets filled with a mix of humans and Tribe members unlike anywhere else on the planet. It's businesses, both the usual and the more unusual, flourished here in what had become the biggest international trade and transport hub in the world. Through the city's underworks flowed a steady stream of cargo and mail, every shipping container, package, and envelope 'screened' by the city spells that rendered explosives and illegal drugs, useless... Much as similar spells did at every other port and airport on Earth.

These days legitimate weapons and explosives went via the new specialist couriers, which could only be used by those with a permit. Drugs and weapon smuggling had collapsed, crime-rates had plummeted to never before seen lows and they were still dropping. Countries all across the world were now fully cooperating with each other, and by now just about everyone accounted it as being the result of one man's tireless efforts.

Tsar Solus: Chairman of the World Council and Governor of Solaris. He who had won the Nobel Peace Prize the last eight years in a row, and was expected to win it again.

Jamie headed out of the Council session, hiding his continued embarrassment at the attention he now received. . He'd been dubbed the 'pride of humanity', an example of the greatness the human race was capable of. Instead of being possibly scared of his powers, people saw them as a sign of the human race's success. That one of their own should achieve heights of ability previously only held by those from other worlds.

Yes, people had been made aware that there were other inhabited worlds out there. The result had been a massive influx of new movies about space exploration, although sparingly few of which that dealt with gruesome killer aliens. Most were flights of fantasy about exploration and wonder, with a few action/adventure ones thrown in. People were looking ever outwards now, and a planned colonisation of Mars was well under way. Everything was set, and for those who knew what was soon to come, now there was just the waiting.

Jamie stepped out into the afternoon sunshine, casting his gaze over the Assembly Gardens and Parks. Some trees still clung to the last wisps of spring blossom, while others were already boasting the lush greenery of approaching summer. Unicorns and Pegasi now roamed freely through all of the city's parks, not just the largest one. Fairies tended the plants, a few water nymphs had taken up home in the various ponds, and even a handful of dryads had come to make permanent residence here.

Solaris resounded with magic and imagination, joy and laughter. It was barely ten years now since the founding of the World Council, and the world would never again be the same as it used to be. Fear of war and strife was becoming a distant thing, something no one wanted to bring back. The only fear that remained was Natural Fear, and those subtle survival instincts blended into daily life so as to be barely noticed.

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